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Review Question - QID 217468

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QID 217468 (Type "217468" in App Search)
A 19-year-old male is being seen in your office for hip pain. There is concern for symptomatic hip microinstability. Which of the following ligaments in Figure A is the strongest ligament in the prevention of hip microinstability?
  • A
















  • A

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The iliofemoral ligament (A) is the the strongest ligament in the prevention of hip microinstability

Capsule and ligaments of the hip consist of 3 main ligaments of the joint capsule, which are the iliofemoral ligament (Y ligament of Bigelow), ischiofemoral ligament, and the pubofemoral ligament. Of these, the iliofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the prevention of hip microinstability. The labrum is a horseshoe-shaped fibrocartilaginous tissue extending around periphery of acetabulum and is connected by the transverse acetabular ligament at inferior acetabulum and functions to increase acetabular volume and provide a suction seal. The ligamentum teres extends from the cotyloid fossa to the femoral head and is negligible in its contribution to vascular supply of femoral head in the adult patient.

Kalisvaart et al. reviewed symptomatic hip microinstability in young patients. They reported that the causes of hip microinstability include underlying bony or soft tissue abnormalities and iatrogenic injuries of the hip capsule; however, many patients lack a clear underlying etiology. They concluded that treatment usually begins with an extensive course of non-operative management with an emphasis on activity modification and physical therapy, while surgical intervention should focus on treatment of the underlying cause as well as any associated intra-articular pathology.

Dumont et al. reviewed instability of the hip. They reported that initial treatment of the concentrically reduced joint often begins with physical therapy to strengthen dynamic stabilizers and to allow time for resolution of acute symptoms. They concluded that surgical treatment is aimed at repairing injured soft tissue structures, including static stabilizers, and addressing underlying bony structural deficiencies.

Figure A depicts the unlabeled capsular ligaments of the hip. Illustration A is the corresponding image with labeled capular ligaments of the hip. Illustration B depicts that (A) the three longitudinal ligaments of the hip joint form a helical spiral structure around the proximal femur: (B) ILFL (C) PFL (D) ISFL

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 2: This is the ischiofemoral ligament
Answer 3: This is the ligamentum teres
Answer 4: This is the pubofemoral ligament
Answer 5: This is the inguinal ligament

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