• "Thigh splints," also known as the adductor insertion avulsion syndrome, is a painful condition affecting the proximal to mid femur at the insertion of the adductor muscles of the thigh. Scintigraphic findings in this syndrome have been described; we report a spectrum of MR imaging abnormalities involving this portion of the femur in a group of patients presenting with hip, groin, or thigh pain.
    • Symptoms of vague hip, groin, or thigh pain may be associated with stress-related changes in the proximal to mid femoral shaft (thigh splints). When interpreting MR imaging studies of the pelvis in patients presenting with these symptoms, careful attention should be directed to this portion of the femur. This is especially important because the findings may be subtle, and this region is often at the distal edge of most MR imaging studies of the pelvis and hip.