• Curly toe deformity is a relatively common deformity that generally occurs at the 4th and 5th proximal and/or middle phalanges but rarely presents with symptoms. Although numerous open operative techniques have been introduced, there is no established treatment yet. We report the results of minimally invasive correction for symptomatic, fixed curly toe deformity.
    • Between 2016 and 2018, 25 consecutive percutaneous dorsolateral closing wedge-shaped osteotomies with Shannon burrs at the proximal and/or middle phalanx were performed. We assessed the postoperative clinical and radiological changes at a mean of 22.51 months of follow-up.
    • The locations of osteotomy were at the middle phalanx in 10 cases, proximal phalanx in 13 cases, and both in one case. The mean amount of corrections of varus inclination and shortening were 16.54° and 2.24 mm, respectively. The Foot and Ankle Ability Measure Activities of Daily Living scores significantly improved from 59.09 preoperatively to 74.55 at the last follow-up. There was one case of pin site infection and one case of incision site numbness due to digital nerve injury.
    • Minimally invasive dorsolateral closing wedge-shape osteotomy is a simple, safe, and effective correction for symptomatic, fixed curly toe deformity.