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Acetabular Fractures
Posted: Apr 23 2024 #(C102476)

Simultaneous fixation and direct anterior approach total hip arthroplasty for an anterior column fracture of the acetabulum


She fell from a standing height in the kitchen.


She had a background of osteoporosis, with a history of vertebral fractures, and was receiving treatment in the form of Adcal D3 and Alendronic acid.


This injury was isolated and there was no distal neurovascular deficit.

1 of 0

Simultaneous open reduction internal fixation through an anterior intrapelvic approach and total hip arthroplasty through a direct anterior approach

Intra-procedure P1
Post-procedure P1
Surgeon's Choices
How would you definitively manage this displaced anterior column and posterior incomplete hemitransverse fracture of the acetabulum in this female in her 70s?
Simultaneous open reduction internal fixation and total hip arthroplasty
Which combination of surgical approaches would you use to perform an open reduction internal fixation of the acetabular fracture and total hip arthroplasty?
Anterior intrapelvic (or modified Stoppa) and direct anterior
What weight-bearing status would you instruct the patient to comply with for the first six weeks after surgery?
Weight-bearing as tolerated