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About Us

Orthobullets is an educational resource for orthopaedic surgeons designed to improve through the communal efforts of those who use it as a learning resource. It is a simple but powerful concept.

Our Beliefs

Orthobullets is built on the following core beliefs:
  • Orthopaedic education can be improved and made more efficient.
  • With proper incentives and guidance, young orthopaedic surgeons can and will produce high-quality orthopaedic review content to the benefit of themselves and their peers.
  • Physicians should be rewarded fairly for their publishing contribution.

Company History

Orthobullets was founded by Dr. Derek Moore, a practicing orthopedic spine surgeon. He realized after returning to his residency following a period as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group, that there were opportunities for improvement in the orthopaedic surgery training process. Opportunities to create value include:

1. Improved Utilization of Resident Value
We at Orthobullets believe that residents represent an underutilized "talent pool." The rigorous selection process of orthopaedic residency selects for some of the brightest young professionals in our country during their prime productive years. Unfortunately, the daily workload that residents face often limits them from more valuable activities such as research, social service, and international medical work. We believe with proper incentives and infrastructure, resident physicians can be more productive during their residency as well as have a more fulfilling experience.

2. More Efficient Learning through a Structured Curriculum
Premedical and medical education prior to residency is based on a structured curriculum with specific course materials and interval testing to track the progress of individual students and objectively compare them to the performance of others. Many orthopaedic training programs lack such a structured curriculum and the only objective measure of a resident’s progress is the annual in training exam. We believe by implementing a structured curriculum with objective interval testing, the accumulation of knowledge can be done more efficiently, leaving residents with more time to participate in other valuable activities, such as research and medical missions.

3. Decrease the "Opportunity Cost" of Residency
We believe there is a pending crisis that is not being appropriately addressed by the administrative bodies overlooking orthopaedic education. The cost of medical education is increasing and consequently, so is the average educational dept that graduating orthopaedic residents face. When coupled with decreasing reimbursement rates surgeons can expect once in practice, we believe that many surgeons will be limited by how and where they can practice as a surgeon due to their debt burden. This may limit them from participating in more altruistic activities while in practice, such as providing care for the underserved or going on extended international medical missions. By reducing the cost of educational materials and compensating residents fairly for their publication contributions, Orthobullets hopes to provide one avenue by which residents can reduce their debt burden.

Based on these "opportunities," Orthobullets was created on the principle that the residents and physicians are the ones that should be directly rewarded for their work, and thereby tapped into an under- valued talent pool to create high quality orthopedic review material in a cost-effective and efficient way. The key competitive advantage of Orthobullets is the "for-us, by-us" mentality that continues to attract orthopedists surgeons to our site, where through their collective contribution, the site continues to evolve and improve.

If we work together, we can build something great, and we will all benefit.

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