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"The orthobullets 100 question timed test was accurate for my real (ABOS Part 1) test percentile within like 2-3%"
- US 2023 ABOS Part I Exam Taker

"Agree about 100 question orthobullets exam predicting your (ABOS Part 1) performance. Took 2 weeks prior. 75% ile on orthobullets, 72% ile on Boards"
- US 2023 ABOS Part I Exam Taker


2024 GLOBE
Global Longitunidal Orthopaedic Benchmark Exam

The GLOBE is a globally available standardized diagnostic exam designed to benchmark orthopaedic medical knowledge. The GLOBE consists of 100 high-quality, newly-published, board-style questions, covering all orthopaedic subspecialties. The GLOBE has been carefully blueprinted to match board exams from around the world, with an emphasis on the ABOS Part I written exam. The exam targets recent trending tested concepts identified on recent examinations such as the AAOS OITE and AAOS Self-Assessment Exams.

The Only Mock Exam Highly Predictive of ABOS Part 1 Scores

  • Stay ahead by benchmarking yourself against your peers with our PGY% Rank Score. 
  • Diagnose your strengths and weaknesses so can spend your time more efficiently.
  • Get access to the newest & greatest orthopedic questions.

2024 Exam Details
100 Questions | 2.5 Hours | Closed-Book

9% - Basic Science 
28% - Trauma
5% - Knee & Sports
12% - Pediatrics 
8% - Shoulder & Elbow
9% - Spine
8% - Recon
6% - Hand
6% - Foot & Ankle
9% - Pathology
1% - Approaches


Click Below for Further Instructions and to Start your 2024 GLOBE
How Will The GLOBE Help You
While Orthobullets is not a big fan of long board examinations, they remain a reality in medical education. Therefore, we created the GLOBE as a benchmarking tool to help diagnose your strengths and weaknesses compared to residents around the world. The 100-question exam is a unique opportunity for you to build your examination endurance, a critical skill to perform well on medical board examinations. 
How We Generate The Curve
Our benchmark exam curve and PGY% Rank score are generated from first-time, timed exam takers from  ~220 US orthopaedic residency programs. Our proprietary data and methodology allow us to generate a PGY% Rank that is predictive and correlates with AAOS OITE PGY% Rank Scores.

How We Create Our Questions
The questions on the exam are not available in our free or premium Qbank to ensure an "even playing field" for all exam takers. To ensure the highest quality, all questions undergo a rigorous, multi-level peer review process by orthopaedic surgeons. Our exam questions are evaluated with algorithmic Item Response Theory (IRT) to ensure they are sensitive and specific for true medical knowledge. See our exam blueprint below to see how our exam compares to others around the world. 

2024 Zoom Proctoring Instructions

  1. Proctoring is optional and you make take the exam at home unproctored. However, your exam score will not be validated and can not be used torward Global Orthopaedic Certification. 

    During the exam window, we will host proctoring sessions Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 06:00 pm PT. 

  2. You must join and start by 3:15 pm Pacific Time to allow enough time to complete the exam. If you need an additional proctored exam on the weekend, please email us at 

  3. Steps to take proctored exam: 

  4. 1) Enter the Zoom meeting by clicking the link below or entering the  Zoom Meeting ID: 433 143 3958 and Passcode: GLOBE2024 during scheduled proctored exam session times. 
Click here to enter Zoom Proctoring session at scheduled time. 

  1. 2) Turn on your video camera and capture your face. Your face must be recorded during your entire exam to receive a validated score. You may get up and leave to go to the bathroom, but your camera must remain on during your break and for the entire 2.5-hour testing session. You will see the faces of other exam takers. This is intentional, as you will see the faces of other examinees in the Pearson VUE testing center. 

  2. 3) Our Zoom settings should automatically turn off your microphone, but please check that your microphone is off. 

  3. 4) SEND A ZOOM CHAT message to (Orthobullets host) stating the email by which you log in to Orthobullets and when you begin the exam. You will not get a validated score unless you send us the email by which you log in to Orthobullets. If we find you take the exam with multiple accounts on orthobullets, your score will be disqualified. 

  4. 5) After your exam click "Submit Exam and See Results". 

  5. 6) Click Leave Zoom meeting.
  1. Exam Instructions

    1. Once you begin the exam you will have 150 minutes to finish the exam (90 seconds/question). DO NOT CLICK THE LINK UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO BEGIN THE EXAM.

    2. You will NOT be able to "pause" the exam once it has begun. You will only have one chance to take the exam in test mode.

    3. Any unanswered question will be counted as incorrect. You may click the "Review Question" tab to review your answers and make changes.   

    4. Once you complete the exam, click "Submit Exam" and your answers will be processed. Once you submit your exam you will be unable to make any further changes to your answers.

    5. You need to have uninterrupted internet access to take the exam. Under no conditions will we reset the exam. You have one shot so make sure you have 150 uninterrupted minutes.

      Exam Results

      1. Immediately on conclusion of the exam, you will get:

      2. 1) a raw score.
      3. 2) % correct by specialty score.
      4. 3) a list of which questions that you got correct and incorrect, and the associated topic.
      5. 4) the ability to review the quetions you got correct and incorrect

      6. Immediately on conclusion of the exam, you will NOT get:

      7. 1) a PGY % Rank Score.
      8. 2) On July 11th, on closure of the exam window, the following will be released:


"Our program relies on both the OITE and the GLOBE to benchmark our residents. We find them equally as valuable"
- US Program Director


(650) 656-7165

  • Are you a Program Director? Use our Global Benchmark Exam to identify opportunities to improve your residency training program and ensure all your residents pass the boards
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