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Here is a list of frequently asked questions.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for email or call us.

(650) 656-7165

General Questions


  • Question: Where can I find high-yield topics?
    • Answer:To access high-yield topics by subspecialty, click on the three line drop-down and hover over Topics>Trauma. You will notice an icon in the upper right that will take you to the high-yield topics for that sub-specialty. You can also find high-yield topics by clicking here.

Account Management
  • Question: Why is my position listed as an Allied Health Provider?
    • Answer: You can change your position by clicking on your name in the upper-right and going to "Update Profile." If the problem persists, your account may be listed as a "Guest" on the site. If this is the case, please email customer support to have your account updated.
  • Question: My country does not accept PayPal—is there an alternative form of payment?
    • Answer: Yes, we can send an invoice thru Quickbooks our alternate payment system. Please send us a request to do so at

Study Plans

Study Plans 

  • Question: How do I access my study plan?
    • Answer: After purchasing, you can access your study plan content immediately in either of two ways:
    • 1) by visiting the study plan's group page, located under the home page "Groups" tab and clicking on "Study Plans." 
    • 2) by clicking on Anconeus (robot icon) to view your daily learning algorithm.  If you have any issues with these steps, please reach out to us at 

  • Question: When will I receive my first email for the study plan?
    • Answer: After joining a study plan, please go to Notification Settings and enable your study plan daily and set your preferred time and timezone.  Emails will be sent 24 hours after notifications are set.

  • Question: Why am I not receiving emails?
    • Answer: Please check your spam folder and add to your contact list. If you are still unable to find the email, let us know at

  • Question: Which study plan should I choose?
    • Answer: We recommend choosing a plan that aligns most closely with the time you have available to study, as well as the content that is most relevant to you. 

  • Question: Are study plans included in PEAK?
    • Answer: Yes, a PEAK Premium Membership includes unlimited study plan access for 12 months.

  • Question: How can I add a study plan to my membership?
    • Answer: After purchasing PEAK, you can add or remove any study plan by going to your Learning Goals page and clicking on change. Here you will be able to select a study plan, activate it and click on Yes, change my focus.

Core Curriculum

  • Question: Can I join the Core Curriculum now? Is it too late?
    • Answer: The Core Curriculum 365-Day Study Plan is a 12-month rolling curriculum. Members have 12-month access from the day they join. Therefore, regardless of the date you join, you will cover 520 topics across all subspecialties over 12 months. This means if you purchased the curriculum on Jan 31, 2019, your first day will be Day #222, and your last day will be Day #221 of the following year.
  • Question: I am a program director—is there a discount for group pricing?
    • Answer: Yes, we offer discounts for group pricing. Email us at for more information.


  • Question: What are MOC and SAE exams?
    • Answer: Orthobullets currently offers 24 different orthopaedic SAE exams that count toward ABOS maintenance of certification CME and/or SAE credit. Maintenance of certification (MOC) is the program that U.S. surgeons need for continuing board certification.
  • Question: How do I get my CME credits?
    • Answer: You must complete four requirements: (1) complete all learning activites listed in the CME Tracker, (2) complete the survey at the conclusion of the plan, (3) go to your CME Dashboard, and (4) click on "Download" to obtain your certificate.  
  • Question: Can I pause an exam?
    • Answer: Exams such as Milestone Exams are timed and therefore cannot be paused. Group tests, which are created by a colleague, can be timed if the creator sets the exam as so. Personal tests, created by you, can be timed as well but are not required to be.
  • Question: Are these questions the same as the questions in the Orthobullets study plan?
    • Answer: Study plans done for CME & SAE contain SAE exams that may be the same as the questions on these exams. Simply look at the title. For instance, if you take the MOC Spine 89-Day Study Plan, you will see that it includes the Spine A and Spine B Self-Assessment Exams. These are the same Spine A and Spine B Self-Assessment Exams listed above.

Point of Care Learning CME
  •  Question: How do I use the new Point of Care Learning platform to obtain CME? 
    • Answer: At no cost, you can earn 20 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits simply by contributing to our community and voting on various cases. See our user guide and video.


  •  Question: Can I reset my QBank?

Getting Started
  • Question: How do I find my PASS group?
    • Answer: Hover over "PASS" on the main menu from the drop-down and click on any of the menu options. If you are unable to find your group, let us know at

  • Question: Where can I identify which residents have taken the most recent Milestone Exam?
    • Answer: Go to QBank > My TestMaster > Find specific exam from list > Click Results > Click on the green arrow to send a message to the residents who have yet to take the exam.

  • Question: How do I remind residents to take a quiz or an exam?
    • Answer: Go to Analyze>Exam Dashboard > Find specific exam from list > Click Results > Click on the green arrow to send a message to the residents who have yet to take the exam. 

  • Question: How can I see my residents' progress?
    • Answer: Go to PASS, then select Analyze > Click on Activity by Date>select day, month or year and hover over bar to see progress, You can also go to Analyze>Daily Goals and see their progress.

  • Question: Can I reset my exam?
    • Answer: To reset your QBank, go to Testmaster and click "Delete all personal tests."  We cannot reset any other group tests unless it was submitted in error. Should this happen, please email

  • Question: How do I see my pending evaluations?
    • Answer: Hover over "PASS" on the main menu and click on "To Do List." All pending evaluations (and most recently graded evaluations) will appear on your "To Do List" dashboard.

  • Question: How do I grade Patient Care Evaluations?
    • Answer:  Hover over PASS on the main menu and click on To Do List > Grade pending evaluations by selecting "Good," Excellent" or "Try Again." Please note: "Try Again" grades are overridden when a resident submits skills again and demonstrates competency.

  • Question: How do I grade Professionalism/Summative Evaluations?
    • Answer: You can provide comments on residents' areas of strength/areas of improvement for Medical Knowledge, Patient Care and Professionalism. You can also adjust the level if the resident is demonstrating a professionalism level above or below the program's expectations. If resident is tracking appropriately, click submit.

  • Question: How do I submit a Patient Care evaluation to faculty?
    • Answer: Hover over PASS on the main menu > Click on Skillmaster > Click on the skill > Read the Technique Guide steps > Click Send Evaluation Button > Select faculty member drop-down bar > Click Submit. An email notification will be sent to a faculty member notifying them of a pending evaluation.

  • Question: How can I view all procedures?
    • Answer:  Hover over PASS on horizontal menu bar > Go to Skillmaster > On the top left-hand, underneath your picture, there are two boxes for "S" and "M" > Click on the "S" box to see the full procedure list separated by subspecialty.

Reporting & Tracking
  • Question: How can I see a resident's milestone levels?
    • Answer: Hover over PASS on the main menu > Click on Progress > Click arrow in top right-hand corner > Toggle through the residents list to find the particular resident > then scroll down to view their milestone levels for Medical Knowledge, Patient Care and Professionalism.

  • Question: How do I create an ACGME report?
    • Answer:  Hover over PASS on the main menu > Click on Report  > Click Summary button > Click Accept All > Override Milestone levels as necessary > Click on the PDF icon in the top left-hand corner to email/share with CCC.

Feel free to contact us at: 
PASS Customers can also contact their account manager by calling 650.646.1864 during business hours (9AM-5PM Pacific Time, Monday-Friday).  We are usually able to respond that same day (Monday-Friday).  But if not, we will definitely return all calls the following business day.

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