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2016 MOC Hand Study Plan logo
  • 112 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
  • 20 ABOS approved MOC SAE Credits
  • 89 Day Study Plan
  • 112 Hand Topics
  • 239 General OrthopaedicTopics
  • 13 Mock Exams
89-Daily Emails Starting the Day After you Pay

Study Plan only



 Study Plan + CME + SAE



 Please read payment instructions below BEFORE purchasing

Study Plan Schedule

  Study Plan calendar

Study Plan Details
  • The 2017 HAND MOC 89-Day Study Plan is designed to
    • give a high-yield review to orthopaedics surgeons with a special interest in orthopaedic hand
    • prepare US Physicians for the ABOS HAND Clinical Maintenance of Certification Exam. Candidates may take the exam anytime from September 12th to 25th. Be sure to enroll at least 90 days before you are scheduled to take the exam.

  • The HAND MOC 89-Day Study Plan course consists of three components

    • Daily Emails reviewing 239 General and 112 Hand Topics
      • by registering for the 2017 MOC Hand 89-Day Study Plan you will automatically receive a daily email telling you exactly what topics to review and what questions to do.
      • 89 sequential emails will be sent starting the day after you pay. 
      • 239 core orthopaedic topics covering trauma, spine, sports, pediatrics, adult recon, foot & ankle, pathology, and basic science have been carefully selected to prepare you for the general orthopaedics portion of the MOC exam. 112 Hand topics will be covered to be sure your are prepared for the hand component.
      • we have mixed hand topics with the general orthopaedic topics. Therefore, each day you will review 1-2 hand topics, and 2-3 general orthopaedic topics.
      • a frequently-tested article, often with a free full text PDF, will be included in the daily email.

    • 8 Timed-Scored Specialty Exams (50 Questions each)
      • after daily study plan emails for a specific specialty have been completed, take the timed specialty exams. This will help reinforce your knowledge. 

    • Five MOC Mock Exams 
      • five recommended mock exams are available for the 2015 MOC HAND 89-Day Study Plan (see schedule above).
      • 2014 MOC Self Assessment Exams AB and CD are general orthopaedic exams.
      • Hand Mock Exams A, B, and C are designed to mimic the content and timing of the Hand MOC.

  • 12 Month Access to the Virtual Curriculum
    • by registering for this study plan, you automatically have 12 month access to all of the premium content included in the Virtual Curriculum. 
  • CME Tracker
    • we have developed a CME Tracker that will help you navigate the Study Plan and ensure you complete all the course requirements
 Pricing Options
  • Price for Study Plan + CME
    • $249 gives you access to the daily study plan, mock exams, and all premium content that is included in the Virtual Curriculum AND
      • total of 112 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits
        • You must complete the following to receive CME
          • Read the Daily Study Plans (spending on average 1 hr and 15 minutes/day)
          • Complete a total of 8 exams
          • Complete Post-Course Survey
      • 20 units ABOS approved MOC SAE Credits
        • You must complete the following to receive MOC SAE credit
          • Complete all 100 timed/scored/recorded questions on the 2014 AB MOC Self Assessment Exam (earns 10 units SAE credit)
          • Complete all 100 timed/scored/recorded questions on the 2014 CD MOC Self Assessment Exam (earns 10 units SAE credit)
  • Study Plan Alone: (No CME)
    • $100 gives you access to
      • daily study plan
      • 18 mock exams
      • all premium content included in the Virtual Curriculum
Payment Instructions
  • Payment is made on Paypal. 
  • Following payment you must click the gray button to complete your registration and return to the Study Plan.
  • To access the Study Plan "classroom", click Groups in the top menu at and click on the 2017 MOC Hand 89-Day Study Plan logo.



 Study Plan Only



Study Plan + CME + SAE


CME Information

Orthobullets and the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research & Education (FORE) are pleased to partner and offer CME for the MOC Daily Study Plans.

A maximum of 112 (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

$249 with CME & SAE

1. Read daily study plans (Spending on average 1 hr 12 minutes/day)
2. Complete 6 mock exams
3. Complete 2 self assessment exams
4. Complete post-course survey

1. Complete all 100 timed/scored/recorded questions from 2014 AB MOC Self Assessment Exam (earns 10 ABOS Approved SAE Credits)
2. Complete all 100 timed/scored/recorded questions from 2014 CD MOC Self Assessment Exam (earns 10 ABOS Approved SAE Credits)

Activity release date: April 1, 2017
Activity expiration date: April 1, 2019

Target Audience: 
Practicing orthopaedic hand surgeons preparing for the Maintenance of Certification Exam (MOC) administered by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Course Description: 
This internet enduring activity is designed to prepare surgeons in practice for the Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand Examination administered by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Through a review of 98 essential hand topics and 242 other essential orthopaedic topics, six 50-question mock exams, and two 100-question self-assessment exams, the learner will be well prepared for the computerized format of the MOC. 

Course Objective:
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of basic science, clinical presentation, evaluation, treatment options, and surgical techniques for core orthopaedic topics, including: Trauma, Spine, Sports Medicine, Pediatrics, Foot & Ankle, Hand, Pathology, Basic Science & Anatomy.

ACCME Accreditation Statement: 
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) and Lineage Medical, LLC. FORE is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


Credit Designation Statement: 
Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education designates this internet activity for a maximum of 112 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Estimated time to complete activity: 112 hours total (1 hr 12 minutes/day)

Faculty Disclosures:
FORE (accredited CME provider) endorses the standards of the ACCME that requires everyone in a position to control the content of a CME activity to disclose all financial relationships with commercial interests that are related to the content of the CME activity. CME activities must be balanced, independent of commercial bias, and promote improvements or quality in healthcare. All recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence accepted within the medical profession.

A conflict of interest is created when individuals in a position to control the content of CME have a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest which therefore may bias his/her opinion and teaching. This may include receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, stocks or other financial benefits. 

FORE has identified, reviewed and resolved all conflicts of interest that speakers, authors, or planners disclose prior to an educational activity being delivered to learners. Disclosure of a relationship in not intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation. Rather, disclosure is required so participants can make a fair and comprehensive evaluation of a presentation.

Relevant financial relationships exist between the following individuals and commercial interests:

John Badylak, MD
Orthopedic Associates of Abilene
Nothing to Disclose

Sanjeev Kakar, MD
Associate Professor of Orthopedics, Mayo Clinic
Nothing to Disclose

Patrick McCulloch, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, The Methodist Hospital, Houston
Nothing to Disclose

Mark Miller, MD
S. Ward Casscells Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ of Virginia
Nothing to Disclose

Patrick O'Donnell, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ of Kentucky
Nothing to Disclose

Joseph Park, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ of Virginia
Nothing to Disclose

Eric Shirley, MD
Nemours Children's Clinic
Nothing to Disclose

Brian Su, MD
Director of Spine Surgery, Marin Spine and Brain Institute, Marin General Hospital
Nothing to Disclose

      "I learned more through your CME 89 day program than any other CME that I have done during my 25 years of practice. I have Orthobullets on my iPhone to refer to in my practice and it is an incredible help in taking good care of patients." Surgeon - USA, 5/25/15      
      "Orthobullets is singularly one of the best educational experiences available today. The flash card principle you employ is effective. In addition to relearning aspects of orthopedics long forgotten as a subspecialist, I actually enjoyed the process. I can't imagine recertifying without this process.  Way better than anything the AAOS publishes. I know, I bought them all.  Way better than the JBJS/Miller product. I know, I bought that too." Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/14/14      
      "This is a tremendous resource."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 12/14/13
      "UNBELIEVABLE. The amount of coverage in a concise, learnable format was right on."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/31/13
      "Doing the 60 Day Sports deal. What a God send. ... It is phenomenal."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/25/13
      "I feel so effin smart...This old dog passed his (MOC) boards thanks to you!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 9/12/13
      "I think your platform is game changing"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/4/13
      "A great academic experience"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/4/13
      "I purchased Sports MOC course. It’s AWESOME. This is best resource I have found."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 9/2/13
      "Thank you so much. I passed and felt well prepared for the Computor test, of which style I was not familiar. This was the only course I took combined with reading review. Again, thanks."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 7/24/13
      "Thank you for your hard work & dedication on a terrific learning tool. My 2nd recert is safely behind. I only used bullets, & actually enjoyed the catch-up, no none sense, instantly accessible approach you folks provided. I would highly recommend this to anyone as a focused guide or valuable supplement. I do nothing but F&A, & had no problems with the general exam."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 7/12/13
I used orthobullets exclusively for my ABOS recertification and passed without difficulties. I took the general recertification exam and am a primarily practicing pediatric orthopaedic surgeon. Orthobullets was a great resource. Excellent explanations and refresher on all subjects I don't routinely read about. 
I will recommend this site to all coming up on recertification
"I used orthobullets exclusively for my ABOS recertification and passed without difficulties. I took the general recertification exam and am a primarily practicing pediatric orthopaedic surgeon. Orthobullets was a great resource. Excellent explanations and refresher on all subjects I don't routinely read about. I will recommend this site to all coming up on recertification."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 6/29/13
      "I used Orthobullets almost exclusively to study for the Board Recertification. I was waiting to evaluate the program until I confirmed that I passed. After receving my results last week, I believe that Orthobullets did an outstanding job preparing me for the recertification with the 60 day program (in fact, I was probably overprepared). I will certainly use it again for my next recertification 10 years from now. Thank you, Orthobullets team."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 6/29/13
      "Your site is Amazing!!!!  Studying for recertification and the site is a rock star!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/21/13
      "I'm going to sound like an old fart, but here goes. Back when I was in residency, there were NO resources like this. OKU was in its infancy and we used old OITE exams (with answers researched ourselves) for studying. Residency had little organization other than rotating through defined subject areas. Granted, the topics were less rigorous simply because there were few classification schemes and both biochemistry and genetics were yet to be fully elucidated. Treatments were biased based on personal and institutional clout, and regional variation was more entrenched. This has been over a mere twenty years! You guys at Orthobullets have done a stellar job in organizing the subject matter and updating the material. I suspect one gets more out of it each time through, and I found explanations and greater clarity for things I've taken as a blind memorization these many years. If you're accomplishing this ON TOP of a regular surgical caseload, my hat is off to you! Please keep up the good work and please be around the next time I recertify!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/18/13
       "This is a great website. It has been instrumental in preparing for recertification. You and the whole Orthobullets team are doing a great service for our profession!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/11/13
      "Best review I had this year."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/11/13
ssss         ddddd  
      "I am scheduled to take my re-cert exam tomorrow.  Thanks for helping me figure out this ballgame."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/11/13

"Much better than a review course!!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 3/19/13
      "It has been invaluable as I trudge through the process of recertification."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 3/19/13
      "Love the format."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 2/27/13

      "It took my studyling from 0 to 60."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 2/23/13

       "I recently passed the recertification exam in orthopaedics administered by the ABOS. My studying was based on OrthoBullets. ... Just do what I did...... Use Orthobullets."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 6/23/12
      "It is the best thing out there, at least on the web."  Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 2/24/13
      "I have really enjoyed Orthobullets and am so thankful for access to this wonderful resource.  You guys have really built a great asset for the orthopaedic community.  Now if we could get rid of the re-cert exam and make the MOC process a truly educational process and not a hoop to jump through, than we could all really benefit from experiencing programs like yours." - Orthopaedic Surgeon - USA, 2/10/13      
      "I used Orthobullets as my main preparation for my recertification exam. Practicing computer question after computer question was perfect in getting ready for a computer exam. The actual exam actually seemed a bit easier than the Orthobullets tests. Thank you, Orthobullets, for helping me to pass!"  - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 7/9/12      

"It is fantastic and keeping me on track." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 2/19/13

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