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"It is my pleasure to be a part of the Ortho community. Your app has tremendously increased my level of education on all of my subjects of interest. I look forward for the future. Thank you." 

Resident - USA 05/12/22


"I tell my colleagues all the time the benefits of this resource."

Resident -USA, 8/17/18


 "Thank you all for all of your hard work in making this one of the single most useful online resources probably across all medical subspecialties. Thank you also for updating with new features."

Resident-USA, 3/1/18


 "I just wanted to write and express my gratitude for such a great site. I’ve just sat and passed my FRCS Written Exam (United Kingdom) having made use of the Cram Plan. I would thoroughly recommend the Orthobullets website to all trainees."

 Resident - UK 11/20/17

        "If there was a Nobel Prize for medical education, you guys would deserve it."
Fellow - USA, 9/6/13
        "I think you're gonna make a big impact on the future. We appreciate it." 
Surgeon - US 10/11/16
        "Can't imagine a life without or before it!"
Resident - UK 3/13/16
        "I would like to thank you for a great site. I discovered Orthobullets when I was preparing for my ABOS recertification. The lessons were valuable not only as a way to keep up to date for clinical practice, they also helped me score in the 97th percentile on the exam. Good work!"
Surgeon - USA, 10/13/15
        "I am lost for words when it comes to thanking you for such a wonderful website. I passed my Board Exams (written, MCQ) with your website being instrumental in my revision." 
Resident - Bahrain, 6/27/15
Resident - USA, 6/5/15

"Residents in my program have been using Orthobullets almost exclusively the past few years and have had no difficulty passing the boards."
Resident - USA, 5/15/15

        "I have really enjoyed and learned more through your CME 89 day program than any other CME that I have done during my 25 years of practice. I have Orthobullets on my iPhone to refer to in my practice and it is an incredible help in taking good care of patients." 
Surgeon - USA, 5/25/15
        "I am a 2nd year orthopaedic resident... who like many residents uses orthobullets daily."
Resident - USA, 1/29/15
        "Very glad I had Orthobullets to use while recently studying for the Spine recert. Having a regimented study program truly helped."
Surgeon - USA, 5/4/15
         "It's been outstanding and I'm feeling very confident about the test!"
Surgeon - USA, 1/31/15
        "Orthobullets continues to amaze me!!!"
Resident - USA, 1/25/15

"I am really thankful for this website. It has helped me a lot to have good scores in my prometric exam for Saudi council. Thank you Orthobullets." Surgeon, Saudi Arabia 5/25/15

        "We are very much addicted to your site for ortho knowledge available instantly online."
Surgeon, India 6/30/15
        "I crushed the boards. I strongly believe Orthobullets had everything to do with it."
Fellow - USA, 9/4/14
        "In my general surgery intern year, there was nothing anywhere near comparable to this, and my learning noticeably suffered."
Resident - USA, 1/30/15
        "I recently passed my Greek board exams and your site was my main educational source. It was an absolute privilege discovering you on the internet. I cannot find the proper words to express how grateful I feel to all of you. You should know that your page is usually online in the busy emergency department of our hospital and a lot of times we use your resources to deal with difficult cases. PLEASE keep up your excellent work. Your contribution to the orthopaedic community is invaluable!"
Resident - Greece, 5/4/15

"I am a 58-year-old practicing Orthopaedic Surgeon (General and Sports Medicine). I will take my Recertification Exam in early 2016. The experience is truly unbelievable. The Core Curriculum 365-Day Study Plan is the best source for preparation for Orthopaedic Surgery Board Examination. The organization of the study plan is well thought out. It provides key information on a given topic followed by questions, answers, and VERY USEFUL explanations. Surely, yourself and your team have worked for endless hours to undertake such a massive task to help candidates like myself and many others across the world. God bless all of you for magnificent efforts toward contribution to education in the field of Orthopaedic Surgery."

Surgeon - USA, 1/8/14

        "I do have to say, I am so impressed with your site. I see that you have an internal medicine site…wow.  All you need now is General Surgery and a few more subspecialties and you are well on your way.  Kudos, it must be a whole lot of work."
Surgeon - USA, 2/4/14
        "Orthobullets saved my tail. I was to take the combined sports recert exam last year. I did MRC and was overwhelmed at the detail. I was lost and scrambling. My wife was diagnosed with breast ca in Oct and I deferred the test. I spent this last year caring for her and wondering how I was to study. Then came the 60 day plan. UNBELIEVABLE. The amount of coverage in a concise, learnable format was right on. When I read book chapters and try to take notes, I have no idea what’s important for testing. I am really good at my practice but test taking has haunted me forever.

In our business, we wonder sometimes if we are making a difference. After 22 years of this I still wonder. I think we do more than we know but never hear about it. Listen up. What you and your team have done for me has made a huge difference for us. The unimaginable amount of work putting this together blows me away. Y’all take the time to answer people’s questions and be polite even when the questions are inane. I don’t know if I’ll pass this test. It won’t be because I didn’t do everything possible and Orthobullets assures me of that. I don’t feel like y’all were compensated very well for the value this study represents. I guess you’ll get it in heaven. Orthobullets represents the foundation of a better way to learn that will improve how we treat our patients and stay certified. You should all be very proud."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA
        "You have a great product that has really improved orthopaedic education."
Orthopaedic Resident, USA, 2/07/15
        "Orthobullets is the single reason I passed part I ABOS… thank you so much..."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 9/06/14
        "Really am happy to found a web site like that, really thanks to Allah then thank you."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 8/26/14
        "I passed both the American and Canadian orthopedics boards using primarily Orthobullets. I am very grateful. Thank you for making me a better orthopedic surgeon."
Orthopaedic Resident, Canada, 9/04/14
        "Just wanted to let you know that I passed the written exam and am now preparing for the vivas/clinicals. Massive thanks - I owe you and Orthobullets most of the credit."
Orthopaedic Resident, UK, 9/01/14
        "This website is the most valuable learning tool I have found. I started using it in preparation for the MOC in 2015. I am going to sign up for a review course every year as it is such a great resource."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 8/03/14
        "I am an Orthopaedic Physicians Assistant and your website is an essential learning tool for me and my career. Thanks."
Physicians Assistant, USA, 8/29/14
        "You said in the sports webinar that this site helps for prep for the test and that the test is a different skill set than ortho practice. While this is true, studying in this fashion improves my knowledge base and directly benefits my clinical practice. I use info learned from this site daily in my patient care. Keep up the good work."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 7/18/14
        "By far the best value for cost of any venue"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 7/15/14
         "I have to hand it to you, pretty amazing!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 3/31/14
        "Thanks Orthobullets, I passed Arab Board of Orthopedic and Orthobullets was my # 1 review."
Surgeon, Saudi Arabia, 5/11/14
        "I routinely look up information from your site for questions in our practice to check what others have provided to understand standard of care."
Physician Assistant, USA, 5/8/14
        "You all have done a great thing with this website."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA,07/10/134
        "This is such an incredible site."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Great Britain, 2/11/14 
        "I recently finished a residency in a federal institution in Brazil and made examinations of the Brazilian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. I got an excellent result and the last six months the Orthobullets was my main reference for fast queries and questions. My sincere gratitude."
Orthopaedic Resident, Brazil, 2/4/14 
        "I think this is a great study model for residents of any year. I am currently a second year resident and am using the program to learn many things for the first time. Its great at keeping me on track and up to date."
Orthopaedic Resident, USA, 1/26/14
        "Orthobullets is the best, most effective continuing education tool I had use in my 10 year career as an academic orthopedic surgeon."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/31/13
        "Your website is brilliant and congratulate you all on a very wonderful educational tool."
Orthopaedic Resident, USA, 10/31/13
        "Thank you for orthobullets, it's the best orthopaedic learning resource on the internet."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/31/13
        "Amazing site truly and thanks for all great works here. I have passed as the best rank in 2012 Indonesian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Board Exam. In my preparations for the exam, Orthobullets has helped me a lot in many ways. Thanks a lot, keep the great works."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Indonesia, 12/16/13
        "Orthobullets represents the foundation of a better way to learn that will improve how we treat our patients and stay certified. You should all be very proud."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/31/13
        "Thank you for this site, I cannot express how incredibly important it is to every aspect of my education."
Orthopaedic Resident, USA, 10/31/13
        "Doing the 60 Day Sports deal. What a God send. ... It is phenomenal."
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 10/25/13
        "Absolutely amazing site!"
PGY Resident- Canada, 10/22/13
        "I feel so effin smart...This old dog passed his (MOC) boards thanks to you!"
Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 9/12/13
        "I would like to thank the Orthobullets crew for such an outstanding, comprehensive, accurate and updated Orthopod. I just passed my European Board and Orthobullets was my number one reading resource. Orthobullets rocks !!!!" 

        "In my view, it has been the single greatest innovation to orthopaedic residency training in the last decade."
Resident- USA, 9/6/13
        "I recently passed part I of the boards. I attended the Miller Review course and did the Orthobullets Daily study plan. Despite the warning lables on the Study Plan and the MOVRC, I only used them for my study materials. Actually, I also did the ResStudy program from the AAOS, which included the last 3 years of OSAE. In addition to the daily reading plan, I completed every orthobullets question. I did not find the questions to be any harder or more advanced on the Boards than on the website, especially the Mock Exams.
Fellow - USA, 9/6/13
        "That daily email was one of the best things I've seen for Orthopaedic education. All of our chiefs just passed ABOS and all credit that daily system that you set up. I would bet that the ABOS pass rate in general was higher this year.  No matter how you set it up I will be encouraging every resident in our program to purchase it.- Resident - USA, 9/10/13          
        "Great site, love having it on a call night."
Resident - USA, 9/4/13
Team Orthobullets,
      I must give credit where credit is due. I just received the top score on the written portion of the Osteopathic Orthopedic board exam. I also scored in the 97th percentile for PGY5's in this years OITE. I have used all of your resources religiously this year and the academics is top notch. By far the best study aid I have ever used in preparing for a standardized test. Thank you all so much for investing your time and energy into this project. My successful outcome on both the board exam and the OITE is a true testament to this website! 
---Resident PGY5
         "As a senior resident, it is my main study guide for boards and an excellent source. Thanks!"
PGY5 resident - USA, 7/9/13
        "Outstanding Website" - PGY1 resident - USA, 7/7/13          
        "As an IMG this site certainly helped me in getting my Canadian Fellowship" Anonymous, 6/14/13          
        "Thanks for your response sir and I would like really to thank you from my heart and express my deepest feeling for your effort which is special and I think me and anybody will not hesitate to support this website." - Surgeon, Kuwait, 6/4/13          
        "I am So grateful for your unmatched & Un encompassed effort exerted in this huge, will organized website." - Hand Surgeon, Egypt, 6/1/13          
        "It is I who cannot thank the Orthobullets team enough for your diligence and dedication. It has made my preparation for the FRCS (uk) a whole lot easier. Awesome website!" - Resident, Great Brittain, 6/1/13          
        "Thank you so much for the creation of Orthobullets. It is truly an amazing resource." - PGY Resident, USA, 5/26/13          
        "Ur site is so wonderful.Thank you. from Seoul." - Orthopadic Resident, Korea, 5/24/13          
        "This truly is a powerful site for all orthopedic professionals.  I was just boasting to a third year gunner today about how easy his orthopedic residency will be if he starts on Orthobullets now.  You guys really have a great thing going here!" - Orthopadic Resident, UK, 5/13/13          
        "I can't believe you guys give this site away for free totally awesome man." - Orthopaedic Resident, Canada, 4/23/13          
        Your site is Amazing!!!!  Studying for recertification and the site is a rock star! - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/11/13          
        "This is a great website. It has been instrumental in preparing for recertification. You and the whole Orthobullets team are doing a great service for our profession!" - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 4/11/13          
        "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just took the recertification exam today. I was much more confident with subjects across the gamut of orthopaedics than I've ever been. I had sound bases for my interpretation and frequently anticipated the answers before reading the options. Granted, I put in the time to review and used your suggested strategies. But I am so appreciative of the work you've done and how effectively you've coordinated different learning methods to reinforce the material. And, huge kudos for accomplishing this without the specter of "the exam" hovering omnipresent over every factoid! Very nice job. Please keep up the good work."  - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 1/18/2013          
        "Thank you and the entire Orthobullets team for all of your time and concern for putting out accurate, educational questions." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 1/17/2013          
        "Again, what a wonderful resource you have created" Resident, USA, 4/12/13          
        "I have really appreciated and, in a slightly masochistic way, enjoyed Orthobullets.  Having gone through this before, previously using the MRC and other resources like the Maine Review and all the AAOS books, I think Orthobullets is going to revolutionize how residents and those in practice learn and study. Tomorrow (MOC) will be fun." - Orthopaedic Surgeon - USA, 4/12/13          
        "Great job on developing the website and its format." - Resident, USA, 4/12/13          
        "You guys are lifesavers!" - Resident, Canada, 4/11/13          
        "You guys do a great job on the site." - Resident, USA, 4/3/13          
        "I am an ortho intern. I used your site exclusively for my OITE this year and got a 98%. It really is a great site." - Resident, USA, 4/3/13          
        "I want to thank you for creating this amazing resource! It is very well structured and the strategy of having a series of subjects presented in this fashion is great for learning. Much appreciated." - Resident, USA, 3/20/13
        "I make the Greek oral exam also! orthobullets was a great help for me!
thank you!!!"  - Resident, Greece, 3/27/13
        "Keep in mind your website is heavily depended on not only for ABOS but also canadian,  australian and european boards." - Orthopaedic Resident, Canada, 2/10/13          
        "I have really enjoyed Orthobullets and am so thankful for access to this wonderful resource.  You guys have really built a great asset for the orthopaedic community.  Now if we could get rid of the re-cert exam and make the MOC process a truly educational process and not a hoop to jump through, than we could all really benefit from experiencing programs like yours." - Orthopaedic Surgeon - USA, 2/10/13          
        "Orthobullets is realy the best source for learning for orthopaedic drs. i love to see and learn the most recent professional knowledge from orthobullets." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Pakistan, 3/2/12          
        "I pass my speciality exam in greece athens and orthobullets was my reference point!" - Orthopaedic resident, Greece, 3/2/12          
        "Again, I'd like to emphasize the "awesomeness" of your site." -  Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 1/17/2013          
        "I just wanted to drop you a line and say how much I like the daily study plan. It's exactly what is needed in orthopaedic resident education." - Resident, USA, 1/30/12          
        "I deeply appreciate your instant and elaborate replies to my simple basic queries. I have started my first year orthopedics residency in my country. Here the teaching methodology is not structured the way it is in the United States. On seeing your replies I feel very hopeful that I can learn Orthopedics in the right sense." Orthopaedic Resident, Asia, 2/10/13          
        "OITE results came. I am very happy with the results. Orthobullets was the single most important reason!!" Resident, USA, 2/3/13          
        "I want to thank you for creating this amazing resource! It is very well structured and the strategy of having a series of subjects presented in this fashion is great for learning. Much appreciated." - Resident, USA, 3/20/13
        "I am orthopedic surgeon from iraq and i thank you so so so much for this great site  it realy help me in everything during my progress as orthopedic surgeon." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Iraq, 3/1/13
        "Blessed Beyond Measure" - Resident, Nigeria, 2/2/2013          
         "Thanks in no small part to your site, I passed the FRCS Orth. Thank you. I appreciate it." - Resident, Great Britain, 2/21/13          
        "Team Orthobullets, I must give credit where credit is due. I just received the top score on the written portion of the Osteopathic Orthopedic board exam. I also scored in the 97th percentile for PGY5's in this years OITE. I have used all of your resources religiously this year and the academics is top notch. By far the best study aid I have ever used in preparing for a standardized test. Thank you all so much for investing your time and energy into this project. My successful outcome on both the board exam and the OITE is a true testament to this website!" - Resident USA, 2/10/13          
        "I think that is the best for study science in far distance." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Yemen, 1/1/13          
        "Thanks for genius recreation." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, India, 1/2/13
        "Very impressive and knowledgeable plain. Must be very helpful for doctors & for the best interest of patients." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Pakistan, 1/2/13          
        "Thanks so much!  Orthobullets is incredibly helpful with my studying process." - Resident, USA, 2/10/13          
        "Thanks again for all orthobullets team who made such wonderful and helpful site which i depend upon in my master degree." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, Egypt, 1/30/12          
        "I paid for the Orthobullets Miller Review last year and I passed with a great score. I like the format and would like to get the daily emails as practice." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 2/11/13          
        "All I want to say that Im a post graduate student of orthopaedics and with in few m going to appear for my final exams. Orthobullets is a really wonderful website for young orthopaedics like me n helping me a lot . Through this website i keep updating myself n looking forward to put my important feedbacks .Thanking you for such a great help." - Resident, India, 1/29/13          
        "Thanks.cant stop appreciating orthobullets & the wonderful way ull are managing" - Surgeon, India, 1/10/13
        "I wanted to thank you for the fantastic website. It soon became my first choice for revision after I found out about the website. The study plan is superb" - Surgeon, Great Britain. 1/5/13          
        "This is genius." - Surgeon, Great Britain, 1/4/13          
        "Thanks for all of your work that you do for the site. It has proven to be an invaluable resource for me. " - Resident, U.S.A, 1/13/13          
        "Really informative and composed website. you doing wonderful work. carry on, GOD bless you" - Surgeon, Pakistan, 12/31/12          
        "As a fellow neurosurgery resident I find it extremely useful in several crossing themes between Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery. I congratulate you in advance for that." - Resident, Neurosurgery, Portugal, 12/30/12          
        "The content is so great. It makes studying for our boards and OITE so much more useful and easy. " - Resident, USA, 11/5/12          
        "Excellent website, so instrumental in my FRCS success." - Resident, GB, 11/11/12          
        "Excellent website, so instrumental in my FRCS success." - Resident, GB, 11/11/12          
        "Awesome." - Surgeon, Oman, 9/30/12          
        "I can honestly say that a good portion of my "upbringing" as an Orthopaedic Resident is coming from this website. The discussion and the questions really help in clearing up certain topics that are otherwise too dense to read in books. You guys are truly making a difference in resident's lives, believe it or not. Keep up the great work." - Resident, Puerto Rico, 10/28/12          
        "Concise and up to the point." - Resident, Canada, 9/25/12          


"I must say a beautiful site ull have created with discussions being really practical and not only theoritical."  - Surgeon, India, 10/20/12

"I just wanted to express my appreciation for what you are doing with this site...I use it extensively, both for OITE prep and for boards (coming up this year). While I certainly try to diversify my resources and come at preparation from multiple angles, I just continue to be impressed by how succinct, accurate, and well-written your material is. I also appreciate that multiple reference articles are included. The Miller review stuff is great as well. My kudos for a job very well done." Resident, USA, 10/21/12

"Fantastic tool... It took me trough my European Board Exam... It's not enough to do it, but it allows you to organize your study and ideas" - Surgeon, Europe 10/17/12

"I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you for this fantastic website. A lot of work clearly goes into setting up and maintaing the site at such a high standard. There is no doubt in my mind that I passed my FRCS part 1 thanks to orthobullets." - Surgeon, GB, 10/17/12

"Fantastic Resource. State of the art for a specialty. Cases, videos, tests, info, etc. Congratulations, you are a credit to your guild. I doubt if other specialties have such a fine site." - Physician, USA, 10/14/12

"Your organization's contribution in promoting orthopaedic knowledge all over the world is undoubtedly unparalleled." - Surgeon, Ireland. 10.11.12

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you so so so much. There are no words i can tell more than thank you from my heart for establishing this website. I will sit for the exam next Monday and I only studied from this web for 2 months. Best regard from Saudi Arabia." - Resident, Saudi Arabia, 10.11.12

"Phenomenal site." - Resident, USA, 10/7/12

"I had the unfortunate position of having failed part 1 of my boards for 3 straight years. I did not discover Orthobullets until last year but embraced it fully and made it my primary source of study. I did every single question on the website and used the study methods suggested by Derek Moore. I have no doubt that Orthobullets was the primary reason that I finally passed my boards. I will be eternally grateful to Derek Moore and the Orthobullets contributors and I wholeheartedly endorse this website." - Resident, 10/5/12

"This is my number one site I have passed european board of orthopaedic and traumatology last year with great aid from this site,I think it's enough for both section one and two." - Surgeon, Iraq, 10/9/12

"U guys rock." - Resident, USA, 9/26/12

"This site was a fundamental component of my preparation for the ABOS exam. Without the integrated feedback from the practice test modules I was having a difficult time formulating a study program. After working through the practice exams my weaknesses were exposed and could hone my knowledge of those deficient areas. With great pride I can now say I have passed the Boards. Thanks, Orthobullets!!! " - Resident, USA, 9/23/12

"Thank you for your constant effort in improving the site!!! I hadn't been around for a few months and the improvements are awesome." - Surgeon, Columbia, 9/22/12

"You guys are changing the way orthopaedics is practiced." - Resident, Qatar, 9/24/12

"I recently received my results and passed my boards at the 96 percentile. I think my score was elevated in large part to your website. I just wanted to say thank you. I appreciate all the work you put in making orthobullets a reliable resource and applaude the fact that it is free." - US, Resident

"Amazing a resourceful website." - US, Resident, 9/18/12

"Thanks for all the great work on the site it is invaluable." - US, Resident, 9/17/12

"If you morning lectures at your program are weak and not Part 1 oriented do this program early as a PYG3 and again as a PGY4. At the end you will be a better MD that ever!!! In my time we did't have this tools." - Program Director, USA, 9/16/12

"Thanks a million for your great effort." - Resident, Saudi Arabia

"Excellent work. this site is a treasure of knowledge." - Surgeon, Greece, 9/6/12

"Yes, there was an FRCS(Orth) written exam in June (which I passed - thanks in no small part to your excellent website)." - Surgeon, Great Brittain, 9/13/12

"Incredibleeeeeeeeeee site cant stop reading."  - Surgeon, Palestine, 9/3/12

"I'm fascinated with the material given on this website .As a resident orthopaedics I need to keep updating myself regarding the new concepts in orthopaedics. Through this site I can easily make myself accustomed to all the condition in orthopaedics without taking efforts to search in the textbook which take lot of time. Moreover language used along with diagrams on this website makes the picture more clear. Sincerely thanks to you for creating such a wonderful website. I truly appreciate your efforts." - Resident, India, 8/11/12

"I applaud your site and what you have been able to build for orthopaedic review. To say you have filled a void in resident education would be an understatement. I have also enjoyed looking at the webinars you completed in conjunction with the Miller's Course- they are very helpful." - US, Resident, 8/5/12

"I got through my MD (Orthopaedic surgery). I used orthobullets as my main review guide. It was very useful. A fantastic site. My great thanks for the orthobullet team & their excellent work. Thank you." Surgeon, Sri Lanka, 8/3/12

"Thanx for the great job u have done in making this great website. u do not know how we r thankfull for u and for all of ur colleagues. I really was so surprised to see such an amazing website. thanx again." - Surgeon, Iraq 7/13/12

"Es un honor tener la oportunidad de poder revisar su pagina, es de gran utilidad para nosotros en el Lenin Fonseca, se que los residentes también se conectan frecuentemente." - Resident, Nicaragua, 7/10/12

"I used Orthobullets as my my main preparation for my recertification exam. Practicing computer question after computer question was perfect in getting ready for a computer exam. The actual exam actually seemed a bit easier than the Orthobullets tests. Thank you, Orthobullets, for helping me to pass!" - US Surgeon, 7/9/12

"Thank you all for this website. It is how I studied for OITE this past year (PGY-5) and did ~30%ile better than i've done.  Along with a review course, it's my main boards preparation. I can't thank you enough for this amazing resource, it is a lifesaver." - US PGY5

"Thanks for every doctor in the orthobullets team,it is really a GREAT job. "  - 7/10/12

"The site is a god-send." - US Surgeon, 7/6/12

"I have to say this site is amazing in teaching and is a great resource." - Fellow, USA, 7/5/12

"I truly appreciate your website, as a former academic chief for my residency, we utilized your program as the backbone for daily readings and questions. As a result we scored >95% on average for the OITE as a residency." - Resident, USA, 7/5/12

"Thanks for such a great site. I have just passed the UK FRCS MCQ and EMQ thanks to Orthobullets with a score of 77% in both. You can expect to get 10% higher marks in the real thing compared to your score on Orthobullets. Thanks to all the team for making this an essential part of the revision preparation for anyone taking the FRCS ORTH." - UK, 7/5/12

"I just want to let you know that I passed the FRCS part 1 (written - MCQ/EMQ) exam. I am possibly the only guy I know of who never actually read Miller! Thanks to your website, I got 83% overall (80 in the MCQ and 85 in the EMQ); the pass mark was 64.8%! I did all the questions once (I think) and repeated about 4-500 of the ones I got wrong."

"Its frustrating to see so many discrepancies between First Aid, OITE preferred responses, SAE preferred responses, AAOS comprehensive review, Orthobullets and Miller....The consensus however (among most of the residents here) is that "when in doubt" go with Orthobullets. All the hard work that you have put in this site, shows." -  PGY5 Resident, USA

"I recently passed the recertification exam in orthopaedics administered by the ABOS. My studying was based on OrthoBullets. ... Just do what I did...... Use Orthobullets." - Orthopaedic Surgeon, USA, 6/23/12

"Its the ideal site for training.  I wish your team a great deal of success with this endeavor." - Resident, USA

"The website is brilliant. Pity our uk exams are not as well catered for." - Resident, Great Brittain

"Thanks for orthobullet 2days ago i cleared my exam & i will start my orthopeadics surgery program." - Resident, Saudi Arabia

"A life saver - To all responsible for orthobullets. Well done. What a great resource. I have the FRCS (T&O) in 5 months and this site is keeping me sane.Great work." - Resident, Great Briitain

"This website is a stroke of genius and so well done. Thank you and the rest of the Orthobullets staff for putting this together. Great Job!" - US, PGY5 resident, 5/30/12

"Just wanted to say a big thank you to yourself and the orthobullets team. Orthobullets has been my primary resource for the UK FRCS (T and Orth), both the MCQ/EMQ and the clinical/viva parts. In my view is the number one website for orthopaedic trainees." - Great Brittain, 5/16/12

Thanks for a comprehensive, concise, accessible and up-to-date website. It was crucial to passing the UK FRCS(Tr&Orth) writtens, clinicals and oral viva voce. I'm sure i'll still be using orthobullets for years to come." - Great Brittain, 5/14/12

"Amazing site" - Baghdad, Iraq, 5/13/12

"Just to let you know I have Passed the UK fellowship exams, thanks to your wonderful website. Cheers mate." - Great Britain, 5/4/12

"I seize the chance to congratulate you on this excellent treasury of up to date reliable and valid orthopaedic knowledge review database. The least contribution we readers can do, is notify you on some spelling errors ! Keep up this excellent work!" - Greece,  05/04/12 Greece

"Hecto, not only for residents, I have more than 25 yrs in orthopaedic surgery, and let me tell you, I visit this website and learn a lot. Keep working orthobullets" - Nicaragua, 05/04/12

"Excelent website for resident... Thanks from Santiago, Chile" - Surgeon, Chile 4/29/12


"For guys taking FRCS orth, you may be interested to know I did 1363 of these questions and averaged 65%. I passed Part 1 with 75% (MCQ 77%, EMQ 73%." - Resident, Great Britain, 01/06/12

"Orthobullets is very amazing and highly professional site. Thank you." - Jerusalem, 12/13/11

"I am studying for my exam about associate professor. Many thanks and best wishes from Turkey for this excellent job." - Turkey, 12/10/11

"By the way, this site is SUPERB!!" - Anonymous 11/09/11

This moderator feedback and input on this site is incredible. Thanks!” - Anonymous, 10/24/11

"Very good website, probably it is the most concise i've known." - PGY5, Indonesia, 10/20/11

"Thanks to your website and iPhone application, I have been able to study anywhere at any time. Excellent job!" - Resident, Portugal, 10/16/11

"Best way to keep up with the work in our field.  The things shared are wounderful." - India, 10/12/11

"Awesome website and getting better every day. Thanks for all the time that you spend developing it." Anonymous, 10/16/11

"Thanks everyone..this is awesome.." - PGY5, Malaysia

"Great website guys, keep up the good work. I use it on a daily basis as I'm studying for the board exam and upcoming OITE. Thanks." PGY5, Canada, 10/08/11

"An amazing site for exam prep. thanks to all who operate the site,,, good job"  Qatar, 10/08/11

"I just wanted to thank you for this great resource. I'm preparing for my Canadian FRCSC exam in few months and this website esp. the MCQs has been a great help so far. BIG THANK YOU" Canada, 10/07/11

"Thanks, Website is very helpful as I prepare for boards." USA, 10/06/2011

"This site is amazing" Anonymous, 9/13/2011

"Just for follow up purposes I scored 88%ile on my writtens so I think your site definitely is successful." Graduating PGY5, USA, 9/14/2011

I passed the European Board of Orthopaedics and make no doubt that Orthobullets was my number 1 reading source. Fantastic job. I will always be thankful." Denmark, 9/7/2011

"Thanks for your great effort. More than sufficient source needed for exams & practice. Thanks again"  Anonymous, 9/7/2011

"I am a chief resident (PGY5) in Canada.  I have really enjoyed, and promoted, your site to our residents.  Thank you and keep up the great work, it has certainly has not gone unnoticed." PGY5, Canada, 9/5/2011

"Thanks for a great resource, it's also of benefit to us specialist registrars in the UK for our FRCS(Orth) studies." Fellow, Great Britain

"This is one of the best site for any ortho resident ............ free and good stuff, all u need to know about the exam oite .. even orther residencey exam preparation can be done ........ i m doing arab board of orthopedic and i found this website very usefull." PGY5, Qatar

"Excellent website for oite prep ... topic reviews are excellent" PGY4, Qatar

"Love the website, really useful, and thank you!" PGY5, Great Britain

"I have been using your new Qbank feature which keeps track of my tests - I love it" PGY4, USA, 9/5/2011

"God bless u for the all what u did and do for education and the great action u did in this website", Baghdad, Iraq

More than great", Orthobullets Member

"As an English Orthopaedic trainee, this site has become famous for all the right reasons amongst my peers. Thanks again for your hard work and good luck. The new website interface is very pleasing. 5 Stars of course!" PGY4, Great Britain

"I am studying for a recert exam in september, and was told about your site by a younger ortho guy who passed his boards last year. Congrats on a terrific site. Very valuable and extremely helpful to narrow my studying to important testable topics with clinical benefits as well.
Keep up the good work. I will be telling every Ortho surgeon I know about your site." Hand Surgeon, USA

"I approached the exam last year by only doing questions, and ended up doing all the questions on this website twice.  My personal goal was to be >90%, and I ended up getting a 93% percentile. (Overall, I have trended 43%-74%-93%)." PGY4, USA, 8/6/11

"I am a big fan of your website, and used the resources and went through all of the questions twice to score well on the OITE exam last year. I believe it is a winner." PGY4, USA, 8/6/11

"Thank you for maintaining and presenting this valuable resource to those preparing for boards and OITE. The format is fantastic and was very helpful in my preparation of part I." PGY5, USA, 7/24/11

"Enjoyable and understandable. A lot of thanks to the team." India, 07/09/11

"Thanks guys, great resource. I like the questions too."  Nairobi, Kenya 07/03/11

"I definitely would have done better on OITEs if I had known about this site earlier." PGY5, USA, 6/23/11

Love the site, thanks. PGY3, USA 06/20/11

I think your website is brilliant! It was instrumental in me being successful in my Canadian board exams. Like Miller Review but better organized. Keep up the good work! Canada, 06/11/11

This is a fantastic website---I use it all of the time.  Thank you for creating!! PGY4, USA, 06/10/11

This website is great! Great Britain, 05/17/11

Thanks and great job with your site! USA 05/15/11

I'm a podiatry resident studying for surgical boards. Your site has been extremely helpful and is a very valuable tool. USA, 05/15/11

I have found your web site to be a wealth of information. Your site has quite a bit of value and I would encourage any practitioner of physical medicine to look into it. USA, 05/09/11

Dear team, this site is really amazing and helpful ....thank you for great efforts. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 05/01/11

Excellent explanations and diagrams! Great Britain, 04/25/11

I recently became a member and have to say this is the best orthopaedic website for all Orthopods, whether in training, preparing for exams or just to keep updated. The preparation and presentation are superb, extensive and terrific. Congratulations for such a nice job.  Great Britain, 04/23/11

This website is great!! I wish there were more foot and ankle questions. Anonymous. 06/19/11

"Thanks. This is an awesome site for orthopaedic surgeons preparing for any level of exam. (I am currently preparing for my 10-year recert...) Thanks to Orthobullets for putting all of this together!" Anonymous. 12/27/10

"This site is amazing!!" USA, 3/19/11 

"Very comprehensive" Palestine. 3/9/11

"This is really a best orthopaedic site" Anonymous. 12/27/10

"Your site is fantastic and well needed within the Orthopaedic community"US. 03/01/11

"Well done nice web site"Anonymous 2/27/11

"I enjoyed the text and photos. A few things are a bit simplified; but, not incorrect. The questions / answers balance the points made in the text. Enjoyed it." Anonymous. 02/18/11

"I recert in 2 weeks, I am excited by your site. It appears to be well done.I only wish I found it sooner. Looking forward to contributing" Anonymous.12/18/11

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