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! All New 2024-25 Study Plan Starts Monday, July 1st! 
Annual Study Plan
For residents and physicians who want to maintain a core foundation of orthopaedic knowledge and stay current with the literature by following a well-balanced, daily curriculum. Available with or without CME.
198 CME Credits & 20 SAE Credits.
All Study plans included in PEAK and PEAK Plus premium subscriptions.
Simply purchase PEAK (without CME) or PEAK Plus (with CME) and start the Study Plan in your learning goals.


  • A Graduated 5-Year Curriculum
    Our annual daily study plan compiles the most essential topics, flashcards, questions, journal articles, videos, cases, and podcasts in a modern platform that guarantees you stay on track, build a strong knowledge foundation, and stay up-to-date with the orthopaedic literature. All of our content, including our topics, is segmented by importance & complexity to optimize graduated learning.
    See How
  • Personalized Daily Learning
    Build your knowledge skills dramatically faster through algorithmic personalized daily learning. Our proprietary algorithm integrates flashcards, questions, articles, and podcasts with a modern spaced-repetition algorithm and advanced platform technology to drive unprecedented learning value.
    See How

    New Bedside AI! 
    Make information stick more effectively by using our bedside AI learning technology.
  • Bedside Learning Technology
    Our learning technology is designed to be consumed on a smart phone at the hospital while seeing patients at the bedside. If done properly, the increased learning retention allows one to avoid studying at night and on weekends, so proper work/life balance can be obtained.


Modify the order of your lessons and customize your rigor by importance and complexity to create personalized and precise daily learning lessons. 


Turbocharge your learning with our proprietary spaced-repetition algorithm that delivers the most important flashcards & practice questions that you personally are most likely to get wrong. 


Learn at the bedside with our new Bullets* App Notes & Highlighting. Stay on track on the go with our new personalized daily emails and in-App notifications.


Use our annual bi-monthly Milestone Exams and annual Global Longitudinal Orthopaedic Benchmark Exam (GLOBE) to diagnose your strengths and weaknesses and benchmark yourself against your peers with our PGY % Rank Score.

























Curriculum Overview

Breakdown by Specialty




The Core Annual Study Plan is designed to be an annual daily reading plan aimed at building and maintaining a core foundation of orthopaedic knowledge and staying current with the literature. Because only 1-2 topics are reviewed per day, Monday through Saturday, with Sunday reserved for rest or catch up, it is designed to encourage healthy, balanced, daily reading. We recommend this study plan for:

  • PGY1-PGY5 residents;
  • physicians preparing for the 2024 General MOC who want to prepare in advance;
  • physicians who want to receive general orthopaedic CME and SAE by reading small amounts of information on a daily basis to stay current with the orthopaedic literature.
  • physicians who want to watch expert videos from live meeting without taking the time out of their clinical practice to travel to live meetings.



Daily lessons, Monday through Saturday, reviewing 723 orthopaedic topics

  • By registering for the Core Annual Study Plan you will automatically receive a daily learning lesson including review topics, key articles, & expert videos Monday through Saturday;
  • 723 orthopaedic topics covering trauma, spine, sports, pediatrics, adult recon, hand, foot & ankle, pathology, and basic science will be covered over 12 months;
  • key scientific articles, carefully vetted by our experts, will be included in the daily lessons;
  • lessons can be delivered via emails or in-app & web pop-up notifications

Sundays reserved as a Catch Up Day or Day Off

  • Sundays will be reserved to catch up, rest, or read additional resources. 

Daily, Personalized, Automated Reinforcement Questions

  • Prior weekly quizzes and specialty exams have been replaced by daily Anconeus Reinforcement questions. Reinforcement questions are generated by our Anconeus learning algorithm that matches the most important content with weaknesses of each individual learner.

Bi-monthly Milestone Mock Exams with Never-Been-Seen Questions

  • On the 1st and 15th of each month, a mock exam with 25 Never-Been-Seen Questions will be posted. An exam curve will be posted following a two-week test window;
  • two versions of the mock exam will be released:
  • a Self-Study version. Individual exam results will remain confidential at all times;
  • a PASS™ version. Results can be viewed by program directors if the resident has joined his or her institution's PASS™ private group (learn more below).

12-month access to PEAK

  • By registering for this study plan, you receive 12-month access to all of the premium content included in the PEAK premium subscription
Pricing & Purchase Information


Gives you access to:

  • Daily study plan;
  • A premium QBank of 3000+ questions;
  • All premium content included in the Virtual Curriculum.

Total of 198 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™

CME Requirements:

  • Complete daily study plans;
  • Complete Post-Course CME Survey.

Including 20 ABOS approved MOC SAE Credits

MOC SAE Requirements:

  • Complete two 100 scored/recorded questions on each General Self-Assessment Exam (each worth 10 MOC SAE Credits).



  • Payment is made through PayPal and you automatically be redirected to your purchased product Orthobullets.
  • Your login credentials on PayPal may be different than your login credentials on Orthobullets.
    - Be sure to log in with your usual Orthobullets email after you made a purchase with any email on PayPal.
    - For example, if you use your spouse's (or other) PayPal account when you are redirected to Orthobullets and asked to login, log in with your usual Orthobullets credentials (even though the email is different than PayPal).
  • You can confirm if your purchase was registered on Orthobullets by clicking "Purchased Products" in the user menu.
  • If you have any problems, email us at info@orthobullets with your PayPal transaction ID.
+ 12-month PEAK Subscription
Without CME
PURCHASE PEAK paypal logo
+ 12-month PEAK Subscription

If I lost some past daily Study Plan emails is there a way to get the old daily study plans?

Yes. All past daily study plans can be found embedded in your Adaptive Calendar. Just select any day on the Adaptive Calendar to access the content for that day.


What if I am a member of the group but am still not getting daily emails in my inbox?

Check your spam folder and promotions folder on your email.
Because Orthobullets sends high volumes of email, our email is sometimes filtered into spam folders or promotions folders. Be sure to look there for our emails. If that is the case, mark us as "not spam" and add to your contact list to avoid this in the future. If you are still not getting emails, send us a message at and we will help resolve this issue.


How do I get to the Study Plan private group?

Click groups in the top menu, then click on Study Plans and select the logo for the group.


If I purchased PEAK, can I get this one?

PEAK works on a 12-month premium content model. Thus, you have access to all of our Study Plans during your 12-month subscription. In order to add a study plan to your account, go to Learning Goals and click on Change.  Here you will be able to search for a Study Plan, click it to activate it and select Yes, Change My Focus.  Note: if you only have 4 months remaining on your 12-month subscription, you will only be able to obtain the first 4 months of this study plan.


What if my residency program has subscribed to PASS and I would like to add OITE or ABOS?

As a PASS subscriber you have access to these and all other study plans. To add a study plan, go to  Learning Goals and click on Change.  Here you will be able to search for a Study Plan, click it to activate it and select Yes, Change My FocusPlease make sure to change back to PASS upon completion of OITE or ABOS.

CME Details

Orthobullets and the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research & Education (FORE) are pleased to partner and offer CME for the MOC Daily Study Plans.



A maximum of 198 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.



1. Read Daily Study Plans;
2. Complete 750 practice questions
3. Complete Post-Course Survey.



Practicing orthopaedic surgeons preparing for the Maintenance of Certification Exam (MOC) administered by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons.



This Internet enduring activity is designed to prepare surgeons in practice for the General Clinical Maintenance of Certification Exam administered by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Through a review of 723 essential orthopaedic topics, specialty exams, and mock exams, the learner will be well prepared for the computerized format of the MOC.



Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of basic science, clinical presentation, evaluation, treatment options, and surgical techniques for core orthopaedic topics, including: Trauma, Spine, Sports Medicine, Pediatrics, Foot & Ankle, Hand, Pathology, Basic Science & Anatomy.



This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of FORE and Orthobullets. FORE is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.



FORE designates this Internet enduring activity for a maximum of 198 (AMA PRA Category 1™ Credits). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.



198 hours total.



FORE (accredited CME provider) endorses the standards of the ACCME that requires everyone in a position to control the content of a CME activity to disclose all financial relationships with commercial interests that are related to the content of the CME activity. CME activities must be balanced, independent of commercial bias, and promote improvements or quality in healthcare. All recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence accepted within the medical profession.

A conflict of interest is created when individuals in a position to control the content of CME have a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest which therefore may bias his/her opinion and teaching. This may include receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, stocks or other financial benefits.

FORE has identified, reviewed and resolved all conflicts of interest that speakers, authors, or planners disclose prior to an educational activity being delivered to learners. Disclosure of a relationship in not intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation. Rather, disclosure is required so participants can make a fair and comprehensive evaluation of a presentation.

Relevant financial relationships exist between the following individuals and commercial interests.

Patrick McCulloch, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, The Methodist Hospital, Houston
Nothing to Disclose

Eric Shirley, MD
Nemours Children's Clinic
Nothing to Disclose

Jan Szatkowski, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics, Rush Univ
Nothing to Disclose

Ben Taylor, MD
Orthopaedic Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Grant Medical Center

Mark Vitale, MD
Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery Specialists
Nothing to Disclose

I heard today that our average OITE scores for the program are up from last year which is a big accomplishment. I attribute that to our OITE focus that we've had this year guided by the Orthobullets curriculum and the frequent testing. I am going to tell everyone that they really need to be following the Core Curriculum in the upcoming years to ensure the scores stay high and continue to improve.
US Chief Resident
A Graduated, 5-Year, Comprehensive Curriculum
NEW IN 2020
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