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 To complete Study Plan before 2021 EBOT Written Exam exam window.
Already a PEAK member? CLICK HERE to learn how to activate this study plan.

130-Day Study Plan
An innovative and comprehensive study plan for residents preparing for the 2021 EBOT Written Exam. Daily emails begin the day after you purchase. 
  • A comprehensive 130-day reading curriculum covering 480 essential orthopaedic topics and 260 key scientific articles.
  • 10 Anconeus D&R Days automate and accelerate your learning by applying our proprietary algorithms to help you focus on what you should, when you should.
  • 7 Diagnostic Milestone Exams and 3 Mock Exams accurately diagnose your weaknesses and build your testing endurance.
  • Integration with our new Peak Adaptive Learning Platform helps you learn more efficiently by tracking your progress and directing you to your area of weakness.
  • Study plan comes with 12-month subscription to PEAK Premium content & premium features.
Study Plan Breakdown 
Study Plan Details


  • The 2021 EBOT 130-Day Study Plan is designed to prepare residents for the 2021 EBOT Written Exam.


  • You will receive your first daily emails the day AFTER your purchase.
  • You can complete the study plan at your own pace by accessing any day's study plan. Think of each day in the calendar as an individual lesson--just select any day on the Adaptive Calendar to acccess that day's lesson.


The Study plan consists of three components: 

1. Daily Study Plans reviewing 480 Essential Orthopaedic Topics & 260 Key Scientific Articles

The 2021 EBOT 130-day Study Plan delivers daily emails with a detailed list of what you will be covering for that day's plan. 

275 essential orthopaedic topics covering trauma, spine, sports, pediatrics, adult recon, hand, foot & ankle, pathology, and basic science have been carefully selected to prepare you for the OITE. This is a high-yield plan, so while it will cover the most frequently tested topics, there is a chance that questions  not covered in this study plan will appear on the exam.

480 essential orthopaedic topics covering Trauma, Spine, and Basic Science have been carefully selected to prepare you for the exam

Each topic also includes associated questions, and frequently-tested articles, often with a free full-text PDF.

2. 7 Diagnostic Milestone Exams & 3 Timed-Scored Mock Exams with Never-Been-Seen Questions

  • Each month, we release a Diagnostic Milestone Exam consisting of 25 Never-Been-Seen Questions. 
  • Access is limited to members of the Orthobullets Virtual Curriculum.

Diagnose your strengths and weaknesses with our Milestone Exams. Think of them as monthly mini-OITEs that give you a PGY-rank score so you know where you stand relative to your peers. 

3 Timed-Scored Mock Exams focusing on previously tested topics, with high-quality board-style questions.

3. 10 Diagnose & Reinforcement Days 

10 Diagnose & Reinforcement Days test the material you have learned and reinforce your knowledge.

Entire Study Plan Now Available on the APP

Pricing & Purchase Information


Gives you access to:

  • Daily study plan
  • 7 Diagnostic Milestone Exams
  • 3 Mock Exams
  • Premium Articles
  • All premium content included in the Virtual Curriculum



  • Before purchasing, make sure you can log into Orthobullets with the account that you would like your purchased product to be associated with.
  • Payments are made through PayPal. Once the transaction is complete, you will automatically be redirected to your purchased product Orthobullets.
  • NOTE: Your login credentials on PayPal can be different than your login credentials on Orthobullets. However, be sure to log into Orthobullets with your usual Orthobullets email. 
  • You can confirm if your purchase was registered on Orthobullets by clicking "Purchased Products" found at the bottom of the black user menu that appears when you click on your name on the top right of the Orthobullets page. 
  • If you have any questions or problems, email us at with your PayPal transaction ID.
+ 12-month PEAK Subscription
Study Plan
25% OFF

If I lost some past daily Study Plan emails, is there a way to access those study plan days?

Yes. All past daily study plans can be found embedded in your Adaptive Calendar. Just select any day on the Adaptive Calendar to access that day's lesson.


What if I am a member of the study plan group but am still not getting daily emails to my inbox?

Daily Study Plan emails begin the day after your purchase. Check your spam folder and promotions folder in your email inbox. Because Orthobullets sends high volumes of emails, our emails are sometimes filtered into spam folders or promotions folders, so be sure to look there for our emails. If that is the case, mark us as "not spam" and add to your contact list to avoid this in the future. If you are still not getting emails, send us a message at and we will help resolve this issue.


How do I get to the Study Plan private group?

Click Groups in the top menu. Then click on Study Plan and select the plan you want to access from your list of joined Study Plans. 


If I bought another Study Plan, can I still get this one?

Yes. Our Study Plans work on a 12-month premium content model, so if your PEAK subscription is still active, you can add any of our Study Plans. If you have already purchased another Study Plan and would like to be added to a this one, you can do so in your Learning Goals page. Click on your name in the top right corner and select "Learning Goals" from the drop down menu. In Step 1 of your Learning Goals, you can change your learning focus to a different study plan. 

Note: If you only have 4 months remaining on your 12-month subscription, you will only be able to access the study plan for 4 months and will need to purchase a new PEAK subscription to maintain access. 


What if my residency program has subscribed to PASS PRO and I am getting the Core Curriculum daily emails?

As a PASS subscriber, you can have access to this and all other study plans. Click on your name in the top right corner and select "Learning Goals" from the drop down menu. In Step 1 of your Learning Goals, you can change your learning focus to a different study plan. 

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