• Nerve injury occurs in 1% to 2% of patients who undergo total hip arthroplasty and is more frequent in patients who need acetabular reconstruction for dysplasia and those undergoing revision arthroplasty. Injury to the peroneal division of the sciatic nerve is most common, but the superior gluteal, obturator, and femoral nerves can also be injured. Nerve injury can be classified as neurapraxia, axonotmesis, or neurotmesis. The worst prognosis is seen in patients with complete motor and sensory deficits and in patients with causalgic pain. Prevention is of overriding importance, but use of ankle-foot orthoses and prompt management of pain syndromes can be useful in the treatment of patients with nerve injury. Electrodiagnostic studies hold promise in complex cases; however, their intraoperative role requires objective, prospective, controlled scientific study before routine use can be recommended.