• We present the case of a twenty year old man who developed static scapholunate instability on the right side following a road traffic accident seven months previously. A dynamic surgical technique was devised to treat this problem using the tendon of extensor brevi carpi radialis as an active transfer. The tendon, divided at its insertion on the base of the third metacarpal, was reinserted into the distal part of the scaphoid using two anchors after shortening it by removing the distal centimetre. The tendon was rerouted via a pulley created 'de novo' at Lister's tubercle in order to centre the tendon on the same axis as the scaphoid. No other material was used for bone fixation. The wrist was immobilized in extension for six weeks. The clinical and radiological result eight months after the intervention showed excellent reduction of the scapholunate joint and a pain-free wrist with satisfactory mobility.