• Spinal deformity in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta demonstrates a high prevalence. The surgical treatment of this problem had numerous difficulties, which included breakage of bone, dislodgement of implants, and late loss of correction. We reported the correction of severe kyphoscoliosis in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta using 3-rod all pedicle screw fixation technique. In this case, the 2 main goals of spinal operation, stabilization and correction of spinal curvatures, were achieved. The Cobb angles of scoliosis and thoracic kyphosis were corrected from 110 degrees to 68 degrees and from 107 degrees to 39 degrees, respectively. One and a half years after the operation, spinal radiographs showed no loss of correction, either on coronal or sagittal planes. The predicted forced vital capacity, predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second and vital capacity of the lung of the patient had improved 2-fold. The usage of pedicle screw, with its conical core and cylindrical thread design, and 3-rod technique in fixation, together with cyclic intravenous bisphosphonate administration and halo-gravity traction preoperatively, contributed to the success in this case.