• Glenoid fractures are unique in which they span the fields of orthopaedic traumatology and sports medicine. Treatment of glenoid fractures, whether surgical or nonsurgical, may be challenging and have long-term implications on pain and shoulder function. Plain radiographs are always indicated, and most glenoid fractures will require advanced imaging in the form of CT scan. Two general categories of glenoid fractures exist and differ in mechanism of injury, fracture morphology, and treatment. The first category is glenoid fractures with extension into the scapular neck and body. These fractures are typically from high-energy trauma and are often associated with other orthopaedic and nonorthopaedic injuries. The second category includes glenoid rim fractures, which are typically consequent of lower energy mechanisms and are associated with shoulder instability events. Treatment of glenoid rim fractures is dictated by the size and displacement of the fracture fragment and may be nonsurgical or surgical with either open and arthroscopic techniques. The purpose of this review was to discuss the current evidence on glenoid fractures regarding diagnosis, classification, management, and outcomes.