• Proximal row carpectomy (PRC) is one of the recommended techniques for managing wrist osteoarthritis, it implies the integrity of the lunate fossa of the radius and the proximal pole of the capitate. If PRC is not possible, it is suggested to consider combining it with a capsule interposition (such as Eaton's flap) or opting for intra- or radiocarpal arthrodesis. Another alternative is to combine capitate resurfacing with a pyrocarbon implant (RCPi®). The aims of this study was to assessed the results between proximal PRC+Eaton and those associated PRC+RCPi® for advanced wrist osteoarthritis.
    • We hypothesized that there would be no differences in clinical or functional outcome between proximal row carpectomy associated with RCPI® and those associated with Eaton capsular flap.
    • It is a monocentric, retrospective, multi-operator study involving 83 wrists with osteoarthritis, included between January 2000 and December 2020 with a minimum follow-up period of 12 months. Thirty-nine patients underwent PRC+Eaton and 44 patients underwent RCPI® resurfacing. Data such as pain, flexion, extension and strength as well as functional scores (PRWE, Mayo and quick DASH) were collected from the patient files at the last check-up.
    • Results were comparable between the two groups in terms pain (VAS), mobility (flexion and extension), strength (GRASP) and functional scores (PRWE, Mayo and quick DASH). Carpal height was better preserved in the PRC+RCPI® group, with a Youm and McMurtry index evaluated at 0.3 in the PRC+Eaton group compared to 0.4 in the PRC+RCPI® group (p-value<0.001). Radiocarpal arthrodesis was required in 16% of the PRC+Eaton group and 6.8% of the PRC+RCPI® group, with a statistically significant difference (p-value=0.023).
    • This study reports clinical and functional results that suggest RCPI® is an interesting alternative and can be associated with proximal row carpectomy in advanced wrist osteoarthritis.
    • IV; retrospective study.