• Distal radius fractures (DRFs) are prevalent among all hand injuries, commonly due to a fall on an outstretched hand. Not being treated properly can cause many complications such as malunion, non-union, reduced range of motion, and muscle strength. This case report presents a multidisciplinary approach to the physiotherapeutic management of a DRF treated with closed reduction internal fixation using K-wires. The rehabilitation protocol incorporated matrix rhythm therapy (MRT), a novel therapeutic technique, in combination with targeted therapeutic exercises. The study outlines the patient's journey from injury to recovery, detailing the integration of MRT sessions alongside conventional physiotherapy exercises. The comprehensive rehabilitation aimed to enhance pain relief, restore range of motion, and improve functional outcomes. The case highlights the synergistic benefits of incorporating MRT into traditional rehabilitation strategies through assessment, personalized treatment planning, and regular progress evaluations. The outcomes underscore the potential of this combined approach in optimizing the recovery process.