• Standard posterior shoulder surgical approaches include infraspinatus tendon detachment and infraspinatus-teres minor interval development. Cadaveric and clinical investigation of a new infraspinatus-splitting approach to the posterior glenohumeral joint was undertaken to assess efficacy in providing exposure, preserving tendon attachment, and avoiding neurologic compromise. Infraspinatus musculotendinous and neural anatomy was examined in 20 cadavers. Four patients with posterior shoulder instability underwent posterior capsulorrhaphy through this infraspinatus-splitting approach, followed by electrodiagnostic testing. Infraspinatus muscle was bipennate in all specimens, the tendinous interval an average 14 mm inferior to the scapular spine at the glenoid rim. The infraspinatus-splitting interval bisected the posterior glenoid rim at its midpoint, whereas the infraspinatusteres minor interval crossed the glenoid rim's lower quarter. The suprascapular nerve provided sole innervation to the infraspinatus muscle in all specimens, entering the infraspinous fossa at the notch as a single trunk 22 mm medial to the glenoid rim. Minimum branching variability was observed. Electrodiagnostic testing showed no evidence of axonal damage or muscle denervation in either infraspinatus pennate bundle. Limiting infraspinatus-splitting dissection medially to 1.5 cm from the posterior glenoid rim prevents damage to any interval-crossing suprascapular nerve branches. Posterior shoulder surgery through a horizontal, longitudinal infraspinatus tendon-splitting approach provides excellent exposure of posterior capsule, labrum, and glenoid, without requiring tendon detachment or causing neurologic compromise.