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Updated: Oct 8 2018

[Blocked from Release] Hand Trauma Radiographic Evaluation

  • Carpal bones
    • order of ossification (clockwise starting at capitate): capitate, hamate, triquetrum, lunate, scaphoid, trapezium, trapezoid, pisiform
  • Metacarpals
  • Phalanges
 Osteology & Attachments
  • Palmar/volar view
  • Dorsal view
  • Radial view

Arches of the Hand
Arch Components
Proximal transverse  distal carpal bones
Distal transverse
 MCP joints
2nd and 3rd MCP joints
Longitudinal  2nd and 3rd rays
2nd and 3rd MCP joints

 PA view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • shoulder abducted + elbow flexed 90° + hand flat on plate
    • beam
      • aim at 3rd MCP joint
  • Critique
    • 45° oblique view of thumb
    • equal amount of soft tissue on both sides of digits
    • equal spacing of metacarpal heads
    • symmetrical concavity of metacarpal/phalangeal shafts
    • fingernails centered
    • no soft tissue overlap of adjacent digits
    • open CMC + MCP + IP joint spaces
 Lateral view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • shoulder abducted + elbow flexed 90° + hand supinated + thumb abducted
    • beam
      • aim at 3rd MCP joint
  • Indications
    • phalanx dislocations = preferred view
  • Critique
    • superimposition of digits + metacarpal shafts
      • can pronate 30° to see 4th/5th CMC Fx/dislocation
      • can supinate 30° to see 2nd/3rd CMC Fx/dislocation
    • ulna located slightly posterior to radius
    • open IP joints
 Lateral fan view 
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • shoulder abducted + elbow flexed 90° + hand supinated + fingers spread out
    • beam
      • aim at 3rd MCP joint
  • Critique
    • minimal superimposition of digits
    • superimposition of metacarpal shafts
    • ulna located slightly posterior to radius
    • open IP joints
 Oblique view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • shoulder abducted + elbow flexed 90° + forearm neutral
        • IR oblique = hand pronated 45°
        • ER oblique = hand supinated 45°
    • beam
      • aim at 3rd MCP joint
  • Indications
    • IR oblique = 4th/5th CMC fracture/dislocation
    • ER oblique = 2nd/3rd CMC fracture/dislocation
  • Critique
    • ER oblique
      • asymmetrical concavity of metacarpal shafts + intermetacarpal spaces
      • no superimposition of 2nd + 3rd metacarpal
      • slight superimposition of 3rd-5th metacarpal heads
      • no soft tissue overlap of adjacent digits
      • open IP + MCP joints
 Ballcatcher's (Norgaard) view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • hands supinated 45°
    • beam
      • obtain bilateral hands
      • aim between hands at level of MCP joints
  • Indications
    • hand pathology in RA = esp. early erosions in corners of P1 bases
  • Critique
    • no superimposition of metacarpal shafts + bases of phalanges
    • open MCP joints
 Brewerton view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • elbow extended + forearm supinated + MCPs flexed 60°
    • beam
      • aim at head of 3rd metacarpal + 20° ulnar-to-radial
  • Indications
    • fixed flexion deformities
    • collateral ligament avulsion Fx
    • metacarpal head Fx
  • Critique
    • symmetrical 2nd-5th metacarpal shafts
    • open IP + MCP joints
 Roberts view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • forearm/hand hyperpronated + thumb flat on plate
    • beam
      • aim at MCP joint
  • Indications
    • thumb fractures
  • Critique
    • symmetrical concavity of phalangeal shaft
    • equal amount of soft tissue on both sides of digit
    • fingernail centered
    • soft tissue overlap of palm over midshaft of 1st metacarpal + CMC joint
    • open CMC joint
 Joint folio (skier's thumb) view
  • Positioning
    • patient
      • hands pronated + thumbs with rubberband around IP joints
    • beam
      • obtain bilateral hands
      • aim between hands at level of MCP joints
  • Indications
    • 1st CMC joint
    • UCL rupture
  • Critique
    • symmetrical concavity of metacarpal + phalangeal shafts
    • open IP + MCP joints
  • Normal variants
    • 5th metacarpal pit
      • exaggerated pit-like depression in 5th metacarpal head
    • spade phalanx
      • hypertrophy of terminal phalangeal tufts
      • can be associated with acromegaly or macrodactyly
 Metacarpal fracture  
  • Classification
    • head
    • neck
    • shaft
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
    • ER oblique 
      • best view to see 4th/5th CMC fracture/dislocation
    • IR oblique
      • best view to see 2nd/3rd CMC fracture/dislocation
  • Optional views
    • brewerton 
      • best view to see metacarpal head fractures
    • roberts
      • best view to see thumb CMC fracture/dislocation
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if
          Acceptable Shaft Angulation (degrees) Acceptable Shaft Shortening (mm) Acceptable Neck Angulation (degrees)
        Index & Long Finger 10-20 2-5 10-15
        Ring Finger 30 2-5 30-40
        Little Finger 40 2-5 50-60
    • CRPP vs. ORIF if
      • open fracture
      • intra-articular fracture
      • rotational malalignment of digit
      • significantly displaced or angulated fractures (see above criteria)
      • multiple metacarpal shaft fractures
      • loss of inherent stability from border digit during healing process
    • ex-fix vs. MCP arthroplasty if severely comminuted metacarpal head fracture
 MCP dislocation  
  • Classification
    • anatomic
      • volar
        • results from hyperextension or hyperflexion injury
      • dorsal
        • more common
        • results from hyperextension injury
    • complexity
      • simple (subluxation)
        • no interposition of volar plate and/or sesamoids
        • base of proximal phalanx remains in contact with metacarpal head
      • complex (complete)
        • interposition of volar plate and/or sesamoids
        • metacarpal head becomes entrapped by
          • displaced natatory ligaments distally
          • superficial transverse metacarpal ligament proximally
        • Kaplan's lesion (rare)
          • most common in index finger
          • metacarpal head buttonholes into palm (volarly)
          • volar plate is interposed between base of proximal phalanx and metacarpal head
  • Recommended views
    • AP
    • lateral
      • best view to see dislocation
    • oblique
  • Findings
    • complex dislocation
      • joint space widening may indicate interposition of volar plate 
      • entrapment of sesamoid in MCP joint is diagnostic of complex dislocation
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if simple dislocation
    • open reduction if complex dislocation
 Phalanx fracture  
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
    • oblique
  • Findings
    • proximal phalanx
      • apex volar angulation due to
        • proximal fragment pulled into flexion by interossei
        • distal fragment pulled into extension by central slip
    • middle phalanx
      • apex volar angulation if distal to FDS insertion
      • apex dorsal angulation if proximal to FDS insertion
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if
      • distal phalanx fracture if no nailbed injury
      • middle or proximal phalanx fracture if extraarticular with < 10° angulation or < 2mm shortening and no rotational deformity
    • nailbed repair if distal phalanx fracture with nailbed injury
    • CRPP vs. ORIF
      • irreducible or unstable fracture pattern
      • transverse fractures with > 10° angulation or 2mm shortening or rotationally deformed
      • long oblique proximal phalanx fracture
      • non-union of distal phalanx fracture
 Seymour fracture  
  • Recommended views
    • PA
      • may appear normal
    • lateral
  • Findings
    • widened physis or displacement between epiphysis/metaphysis
    • flexion deformity at fracture site
      • seen on lateral view
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if 
      • minimally displaced, closed fracture
      • no interposition of soft tissue at fracture site
    • closed reduction and pinning across DIPJ if 
      • displaced, closed fracture
      • no interposition of soft tissue at fracture site
    • antibiotics, open reduction and pinning across DIPJ, nailbed repair if open fracture
 Phalanx dislocation  
  • Classification
  • PIP joint
  • dorsal dislocations
  • simple
  • middle phalanx in contact with condyles of proximal phalanx
  • complex
  • base of middle phalanx not in contact with condyle of proximal phalanx, bayonet appearance
  • volar plate acts as block to reduction with longitudinal traction
  • dorsal fracture-dislocations = Hastings (based on amount of P2 articular surface involvement)
  • type I = < 30% involvement, stable
  • type II = 30-50% involvemen, tenuous
  • type III = > 50% involvement, unstable
  • volar dislocation
  • volar fracture-dislocation
  • rotatory dislocations
  • DIP joint
  • dorsal dislocations & fracture-dislocations
  • Recommended views
  • PA
  • may appear normal
  • lateral
  • oblique
  • Findings
  • V sign
  • Treatment criteria
    • dorsal PIPJ dislocation
      • nonoperative treatment acceptable if simple dislocation
      • open reduction if complex dislocation
    • dorsal PIPJ fracture-dislocation
      • nonoperative treatment acceptable if < 40% joint involvement and stable
      • ORIF vs. CRPP if > 40% joint involvement and unstable
      • dynamic distraction external fixation if highly comminuted "pilon" fracture-dislocations
      • volar plate arthroplasty vs. arthrodesis if chronic injury
  • volar PIPJ dislocation and fracture-dislocation
  • nonoperative treatment acceptable if 
  • volar PIPJ dislocation
  • volar PIPJ fracture-dislocation if < 40% joint involvement and stable
  • nonoperative treatment acceptable if
  • volar PIPJ dislocation
  • dorsal PIPJ dislocation if simple
  • volar/dorsal PIPJ fracture-dislocation if < 40% joint involvement and stable
  • dorsal DIPJ dislocation/fracture-dislocation
  • open reduction if
  • dorsal PIPJ dislocation if complex
  • rotatory PIPJ dislocation
  • dorsal DIPJ dislocation/fracture-dislocation if 2 failed attempts at reduction
  • ORIF vs. CRPP if
  • volar/dorsal PIPJ fracture-dislocation if > 40% joint involvement and unstable
  • dynamic distraction external fixation if highly comminuted "pilon"  dorsal PIPJ fracture-dislocation
  • volar plate arthroplasty vs. arthrodesis if chronic dorsal PIPJ fracture-dislocation
  • volar PIPJ dislocation
 Digital collateral ligament injury  
  • Classification
    • UCL injury
    • RCL injury
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
    • oblique
    • varus/valgus stress views may aid in diagnosis
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable for most injuries
    • collateral ligament repair if RCL injury of index finger (ligament needed for pinch stability)
 Base of thumb fracture  
  • Classification
    • intra-articular
      • bennett
        • fracture-dislocation with volar lip of metacarpal based attached to volar oblique ligament
      • rolando
        • fracture with intra-articular comminution
    • extra-articular
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
    • oblique
    • roberts
  • Findings
    • bennett fractures
      • small fragment of 1st metacarpal base articulating with trapezium
    • rolando fractures
      • Y sign
        • represents spliting of 1st metacarpal base into volar and dorsal fragments
  • Treatment criteria
    • bennettt fractures
      • nonoperative treatment acceptable if non-displaced
      • CRPP if
        • volar fragment is too small to hold a screw
        • anatomic reduction unstable
      • ORIF if
        • large fragment
        • > 2mm displacement
    • rolando fractures
      • nonoperative treatment acceptable if severe comminution and stable
      • CRPP vs. ex-fix if severe comminution and unstable
      • ORIF in most cases
    • extra-articular fractures
      • nonoperative treatment acceptable if < 30° angulation
      • CRPP if > 30° angulation
 Thumb CMC dislocation  
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
  • Optional views
    • roberts
      • used to evaluate for base of thumb fractures
  • Findings
    • joint space widening
    • slight dorsoradial shift of metacarpal
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if stable after reduction
    • CRPP vs. reconstruction of the dorsal capsuloligamentous complex with tendon autograft + temporary pinning if unstable after reduction
 Thumb collateral ligament injury  
  • Classification
    • radial collateral ligament injury
    • ulnar collateral ligament injury
      • more common
      • may have Stener lesion
        • avulsed ligament with or without bony attachment is displaced above the adductor aponeurosis
  • Recommended views
    • PA
    • lateral
    • oblique
  • Optional views
    • joint folio
      • may aid in diagnosis if a bony avulsion has already been ruled out
  • Findings
    • UCL injury
      • avulsion or condylar fracture
      • supination of proximal phalanx
      • volar subluxation of proximal phalanx
        • seen on lateral view
        • indicates associated dorsal capsular tear or extensor tendon injury
    • RCL injury
      • pronation of proximal phalanx
  • Treatment criteria
    • nonoperative treatment acceptable if
      • RCL tear
      • partial UCL tears with < 20° side to side variation of varus/valgus instability
    • ligament repair if
      • acute injuries with
        • > 20° side to side variation of varus/valgus instability
        • >35° of opening
      • Stener lesion 
    • reconstruction of ligament with tendon graft, MCP fusion, or adductor advancement if chronic injury
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