summary An adductor strain is a common injury to the adductor muscle group that occurs as a result of forceful hip extension & external rotation of an abducted leg. Diagnosis is made clinically with groin pain with tenderness over the inferior pubic rami and decreased strength with resisted leg adduction compared to the other leg. Treatment is nonoperative with rest, NSAIDs and protected weight bearing. Epidemiology Incidence occurs in 10-30% of soccer and hockey players Pathophysiology Mechanism a “pulled groin,” is caused by forceful hip extension & external rotation of an abducted leg. Occurs due to strong eccentric contraction of adductors during play Classification Adductor strain classification 1st degree Pain with minimal loss of strength and motion 2nd degree Compromised strength 3rd degree Complete disruption with loss of muscle function Anatomy Hip joint adductor complex adductor longus (most common muscle injured in complex) adductor magnus adductor brevis gracilis obturator externus pectineus All have obturator nerve innervation Presentation Symptoms pain is immediate and severe in the groin region. Physical exam tenderness is at the site of injury along the subcutaneous border of the pubic ramus. pain and/or decreased strength with resisted leg adduction compared to the other leg Imaging Radiographs recommended views AP pelvis lateral of hip findings if injury is due to an avulsion then fleck of bone may be visible MRI may show avulsion injury of the adductor muscle from the pubic ramus with muscle edema and hemorrhage. Treatment Nonoperative rest, ice, protected weight bearing as needed indications mainstay of treatment modalities dictated by the severity of the symptoms but generally consists of of a period of rest follow with a rehabilitation program that begins with gentle stretching and progresses to resistance exercise and core strengthening with a gradual return to sports immobilization should be avoided because this promotes muscle tightness and scarring Operative open repair indications no data exist to suggest that open repair yields a better outcome than nonsurgical management.
Adductor Strain pathophysiology OBC What type of repetitive contraction leads to an adductor strain? Mechanism Occurs due to strong eccentric contraction of adductors during play Show Bullets