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Review Question - QID 217841

In scope icon L 5
QID 217841 (Type "217841" in App Search)
A 62-year-old female presents to your office with complaints of right wrist pain that is exacerbated by activities such as opening jars and pinching. She has not had any prior surgical interventions but reports that nonoperative management is no longer effective. Examination demonstrates tenderness to palpation over the thenar eminence, just distal to the scaphoid tuberosity, and swelling over the distal flexor carpi radialis tendon. Radiographs demonstrate severe degenerative changes of the scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal joint and no carpal malalignment. She is scheduled to undergo distal pole scaphoid excision. Which established potential postoperative complication should this patient be informed about regarding this surgical intervention?