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Review Question - QID 218662

In scope icon L 4
QID 218662 (Type "218662" in App Search)
A 12-year-old male presents to the emergency department with his parents. They and the patient note that he has been unable to bear weight on his left leg for the past 2 days, although they attribute this to him having just participated in a football game. Radiographs are available for review in Figure A. The patient is brought to the emergency department for in-situ screw fixation, and a flat plate radiograph obtained intraoperatively is available for review in Figure B. An intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor is placed through the cannulated screw into the epiphysis (Figure C). Which of the following represents the next best step?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • A
  • B
  • C