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Bhanu Prakash Gundepalli MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon - General Specialty
Primary Practice: Medvizz

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USMLE NEET PG MBBS ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY PATHOLOGY pharmacology microbiology orthopedics internal medicine surgery opthalmology obstetrics and gynecology ENT pediatrics


Why Medical Animation Video is Necessary for medical education? The image will always exceed the text to save Viewers can easily understand the animation Animation has more impact on students in retaining the concepts Animation video can be used to explain the complex topics and surgical procedures. Animation works as a visualizer to “make the invisible visible”. It reduces readmission in the explanation and replaces intricate cognitive processes like imagination and abstraction. Not everyone can imagine things visually in the same manner. Every individual has a different visualisation capacity based on vast amount of material they read from textbooks. Sentences read are forgotten at faster rates than a topic learnt from animated videos with HD images and colourful graphics. Animated videos in the field of medical education are probably the fastest, simplest, and most detailed way of educating medical students.
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