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Jun 07 - Jun 07, 2024

UCSF Managing Children with Lower Limb Differences: Local to Global 2024

07.00AM - 07.10AM
07.15AM - 08.45AM
Lower Limb Optimization: Concept and Practical Tips
07.15AM - 07.24AM
Lower limb differences in children- Congenital and Non-congenital causses
07.25AM - 07.34AM
Limb Optimization for severe congenital limb difference
07.35AM - 07.44AM
Limb Optimization following severe traumatic injury
07.45AM - 07.54AM
Principles of Pediatric amputations
07.55AM - 08.04AM
Principles of prosthetic care for a child amputee
08.05AM - 08.14AM
Orthotic and prosthetic care in austere enviornment
08.15AM - 08.45AM
Panel Discussion
08.45AM - 08.59AM
09.00AM - 10.30AM
Team Building and Setting up a Limb Reconstruction Practice
09.00AM - 09.09AM
Team building- Making your job easier
09.10AM - 09.19AM
Role of physical therapy
09.20AM - 09.29AM
Physician Assistant's perspective
09.30AM - 09.39AM
Setting up a multidisciplinary clinic
09.40AM - 09.49AM
Establishing a limb reconstruction practice in a well-resourced setting
09.50AM - 09.59AM
Establishing a limb reconstruction practice in an austere environment
10.30AM - 10.59AM
11.00AM - 12.30PM
Teaching and Training Limb Reconstruction in austere environments: Relevant and Sustainable
11.00AM - 11.09AM
Establishing what is relevant to teach and learn
11.10AM - 11.19AM
Teaching and training in austere environments
11.20AM - 11.29AM
Decision Making in austere environments
11.30AM - 11.39AM
Platforms for teaching and training limb reconstruction on a global scale
11.40AM - 11.49AM
Creating a pediatric orthopedic fellowship in Uganda
11.50AM - 11.59AM
Building sustainable academic partnerships- the IGOT experience
12.00PM - 12.30PM
Panel Discussion
12.30PM - 12.59PM
01.00PM - 02.40PM
Tips and Tricks
01.00PM - 01.09PM
Managing bone defects in chronic haematogenous osteotomyelitis
01.10PM - 01.19PM
Limb reconstruction surgery without flouroscopy
01.20PM - 01.29PM
External Fixation in Children in a Resource-Limited Environment
01.30PM - 01.39PM
Diffusion Tensor Imaging for asserting physeal function
01.40PM - 01.49PM
Lessons Learned in limb reconstruction
01.50PM - 01.59PM
3D patient specific guides for upper extremity reconstruction
02.00PM - 02.30PM
All Faculty
02.30PM - 02.40PM
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