Summary Condition A is (Condition identical in caps to title) 1 +) a (extremely rare, rare, common) (congenital, degenerative, acquired, traumatic) CONDITION 2+) CAUSED BY what causes it from pathophysiology section THAT LEADS TO. 3+) The condition typically PRESENTS IN (children, adolescents, young adults, adults, elderly) 4) PRESENTS WITH most common symptoms and or finding). if diagnosis is clinical below, drop most common presentation here. Diagnosis is made A or) clinically with primary symptoms and exam finding (in this case remove TYPICALLY present from above) B or) with plain radiographs of the bone/body part C or) by advanced imaging (MRI, CT) which shows D or) one of exclusion E or) with a combination of A,B, and C Treatment is usually Treatment X t is indicated in. Operative treatment is indicated in... Incidence very rare < 1/1,000,000, rare (incidence annual new case) < 1/200,000, common > 1/100,000 very common > 1/10,000 Demographics male : female ratio age bracket Location where in the body/bone Risk factors smoking etc. Etiology Pathophysiology mechanism of injury (trauma) this is the mechanism of injury (valgus force on knee) pathoanatomy this is the molecular or cell biology of disease cell biology this is the anatomic cascade of disease microbiology list of causative organisms. Genetics inheritance pattern autosomal dominant mutations chromosome gene protein encoded for Associated conditions medical condition A orthopaedic condition A Anatomy Osteology describe anatomic bone Arthrology articulation Ligament ligament Tendons tendon name origin insertion function Muscles muscle Blood Supply x Nervous System x Biomechanics x Classification Classification AType A • Characteristic A • Characteristic AType B • Characteristic B • Characteristic BType C • Characteristic CType D • Characteristic D Insert AO/OTA classification for all Fracture Topics Presentation History (optional) this is a specific event the patient cites. "Heard a pop" Symptoms common symptoms location duration severity aggravating / alleviating factors Physical exam inspection varus or valgus deformity ecchymosis & swelling diffuse tenderness motion document flexion-extension and pronation-supination crepitus should be noted varus/valgus instability stress test challenging but important for an accurate diagnosis neurovascular provocative tests Imaging Radiographs recommended views xrays that should alwasy be obtained on evaluation optional views secondary views that might give additional information findings disc space narrowing measurement measurement A (Cobb angle) measurement A (pelvic incidence) criteria dictating treatment > 3mm step of dictates operative treatment sensitivity and specificity Ultrasound indications preferred views finding sensitivity/specific CT indications when do you order views best seen on sagittal findings finding a detailed description finding b sensitivity and specificity MRI indications when do you order views best seen on T2 axial findings finding a detailed description of finding sensitivity and specificity Bone scan indications when do you order sensitivity and specificity Studies Labs serum urine surface (nasal swab, sputum) Invasive studies Histology gross anatomy histology low power high power immunostaining Differential Differential A key findings that differentiate topic from differential A found with topic key finding A found with differential A key finding A Differential B key findings that differentiate topic from differential B found with topic key finding A found with differential key finding A key finding C key findings that differentiate topic from differential B found with topic key finding C found with differential key finding C Clinical, imaging or combination. Treatment Nonoperative nonoperative treatment A indications indication a indication b modalities (think of this as the options) outcomes Operative operative treatment A indications indication a indication b techniques variation of treatment A (just list the option to chose from) indication b outcomes operative treatment B indications indication a indication b techniques variation of treatment A (just list the option to chose from) outcomes Techniques Nonoperative treatment A technique description Operative treatment A **include link to technique if one is present in "Techniques" section of Orthobullets** **do not include a step-by-step guide here, that will be covered in the Technique section. Instead, the points here will be mainly centered around tested information** approach tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) technique tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) complications (ONLY if specific to this treatment) unique to this technique and tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) Operative treatment B **include link to technique if one is present in "Techniques" section of Orthobullets** **do not include a step-by-step guide here, that will be covered in the Technique section. Instead, the points here will be mainly centered around tested information** approach tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) technique tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) complications (ONLY if specific to this treatment) unique to this technique and tested concepts only (techniques steps go in outline) Complications Complication A incidence (only if pertinent) risk factors treatment tested treatment in bold blue indications indication A Complication B incidence risk factors treatment tested treatment in bold blue indications indication A Natural history of disease Prognostic variable favorable negative Survival with treatment