Summary Epidemiology Incidence very rare < 1/1,000,000, rare (incidence annual new case) < 1/200,000, common > 1/100,000 very common > 1/10,000 Demographics male : female ratio age bracket Location where in the body/bone Indications Indications Contraindications Anatomy Osteology describe anatomic bone Arthrology articulation Ligament ligament a Muscles muscle a Blood Supply x Nervous System x Biomechanics x Operative Planning Lower extremity Upper extremity Complications Complication A incidence (only if pertinent) risk factors treatment tested treatment in bold blue indications indication A Complication B incidence risk factors treatment tested treatment in bold blue indications indication A Classification A Type A • Characteristic A • Characteristic A Type B • Characteristic B • Characteristic B Type C • Characteristic C Type D • Characteristic D Prognosis Prognostic variable favorable negative Survival with treatment