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Updated: Apr 23 2024

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Images syndesmophytes_moved.jpg si bilateral sacroiliitis.jpg photo.jpg
  • summary
    • Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chronic seronegative autoimmune spondyloarthropathy characterized by bridging spinal osteophyte formation, enthesitis, sacroiliitis, and uveitis. 
    • Diagnosis is made with the presence of HLA-B27 antigens, the presence of bilateral sacroiliitis, and ocular examination to assess for uveitis. 
    • Treatment is observation, NSAIDs, and physical therapy for mild symptoms. Surgical management is indicated for unstable spinal fractures, progressive deformity, and the presence of neurological deficits. 
  • Epidemiology
    • Incidence
      • affects ~0.2% of Caucasian population
    • Demographics
      • 4:1 male:female
      • usually presents in 3rd decade of life
        • juvenile form <16-years-old includes enthesitis
        • fewer than 10% of HLA-B27 positive patients have symptoms of AS
  • Etiology
    • Pathoanatomy
      • exact mechanism is unknown, but most likely due to an autoimmune reaction to an environmental pathogen in a genetically susceptible individual.
      • theories of relation to HLA-B27 include
        • HLA-B27 aggregates with peptides in the joint and leads to a degenerative cascade
        • cytotoxic T-cell autoimmune reaction against HLA-B27
      • enthesitis
        • entheses inflammation leads to bony erosion, surrounding soft-tissue ossification, and eventually joint ankylosis
        • preferentially targets sacroiliac joints, spinal apophyseal joints, symphysis pubis
        • this differentiates from RA, which is a synovial process
      • disc space involvement
        • inflammation of the annulus lead to bridging osteophyte formation (syndesmophytes)
    • Genetics
      • there is a genetic predisposition, but mode of inheritance is unknown
      • HLA-B27 is located on sixth chromosome, B locus
    • Diagnostic criteria
      • bilateral sacroiliitis
      • HLA-B27 positive (90% positive)
    • Systemic manifestations
      • acute anterior uveitis & iritis
      • heart disease (cardiac conduction abnormalities)
      • pulmonary fibrosis
      • renal amyloidosis
      • ascending aortic conditions (aortitis, stenosis, regurgitation)
      • Klebsiella pneumoniae synovitis
        • HLA-B27 individuals are more susceptible to Klebsiella pneumoniae synovitis
    • Orthopaedic manifestations
      • bilateral sacroiliitis
      • progressive spinal kyphotic deformity
      • cervical spine fractures
      • large-joint arthritis (hip and shoulder)
  • Anatomy
    • Enthesis
      • defined as the insertion of tendon, ligaments, or muscle into bone
  • Presentation
    • Symptoms
      • lumbosacral pain and stiffness
        • present in most patients
        • worse in morning
        • insidious onset in 3rd decade of life
      • neck and upper thoracic pain
        • occurs later in life
        • acute neck pain should raise suspicion for fracture
      • sciatic
        • likely originates from sciatic nerve involvement in the pelvis (piriformis spasm)
      • loss of horizontal gaze
      • shortness of breath
        • caused by costovertebral joint involvement, leading to reduced chest expansion
    • Physical exam
      • limitation of chest wall expansion
        • < 2cm of expansion is more specific than HLA-B27 for making diagnosis
      • decreased spine motion
        • Schober test
          • used to evaluate lumbar stiffness
      • kyphotic spine deformity
        • chin-on-chest (flexion) deformity of the spine
        • caused by multiple microfractures that occur over time
        • chin-brow-to-vertical angle (CBVA)
          • measured from standing exam of standing lateral radiograph
          • useful for preoperative planning
          • correction of this angle correlates with improved surgical outcomes
      • hip flexion contracture
        • examining patient in supine and sitting position helps differentiate sagittal plane imbalance due to hip flexion contractures or kyphotic spinal deformity
      • sacroiliac provocative tests
        • Faber test
          • flexion abduction external rotation of the ipsilateral hip causes pain
  • Imaging
    • Radiographs
      • spine
        • recommended views
          • standing full-length AP and lateral of axial spine
        • findings
          • negative in 50% of cases with spine fractures
          • squaring of vertebrae with vertical or marginal syndesmophytes
          • late vertebral scalloping (bamboo spine)
        • measurements
          • chin-brow to vertical angle
            • used to measure chin-on-chest deformity
            • useful for preoperative planning for osteotomy
      • pelvis & lower extremity
        • recommended views
          • Ferguson pelvic tilt view
            • allows for improved visualization of anterior SI joint
            • xray beam directed 10 to 15 degrees cephalad
        • findings
          • bilateral symmetric sacroiliac erosion
            • earliest radiographic sign is erosion of iliac side of sacroiliac joint
          • joint space narrowing
          • ankylosis
    • CT
      • will show bony changes but not active inflammation
      • CT is most sensitive test to diagnose cervical fractures in patients with AS
        • entire spinal axis should be imaged in patients presenting with trivial trauma
    • MRI
      • will detect inflammation, making it the best modality for early detection of AS in young patients
      • obtain with cervical fractures to look for epidural hemorrhage
    • Bone scan
      • will show inflammation in the sacroiliac joints, but lacks specificity
  • Studies
    • Labs
      • little diagnostic value
      • often see nonspecific elevations in ESR and CRP
      • RF negative (seronegative)
    • Diagnostic Injections
      • SI joint injection
        • local anesthetic injected into SI joint under fluoroscopic guidance
        • often most sensitive diagnostic test
  • Differentials
      • DISH vs. Ankylosing Spondylitis 
      • DISH
      • Ankylosing spondylitis
      • Syndesmophytes
      • Nonmarginal
      • Marginal
      • Radiographs
      • "Flowing candle wax"
      • "Bamboo spine", squaring of vertebral bodies, "shiny corners" at the attachment of annulus fibrosus (Romanus lesions)
      • Disc space
      • Preservation of disc space
      • AS in cervical spine will show ossification of disc space
      • Osteopenia
      • No osteopenia (rather, there may be increased radiodensity)
      • Osteopenia present
      • HLA
      • No evidence of association with HLA-B27
      • Associated with HLA-B8 (common in patients with DISH and diabetes)
      • Strong association with HLA-B27
      • Age group
      • Older patients (middle-aged)
      • Younger patients
      • SI joint involvement
      • No involvement (SI joint abnormality generally excludes the diagnosis of DISH)
      • Bilateral sacroiliitis
      • Diabetes
      • Yes
      • No
  • Treatment General
    • Nonoperative
      • NSAIDS, COX-2 inhibitors, and therapy
        • indications
          • first line of treatment for pain and stiffness
          • oral steroids not recommended
        • techniques
          • physical therapy should focus on maintaining flexibility
      • TNF-alpha-blocking agents
        • indications
          • second line of medical management
        • techniques
          • includes infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab
        • outcomes
          • clinical studies show significant improvement in severity of symptoms
    • Operative
      • see below
  • Spine Trauma
    • Introduction
      • epidemiology
        • most occur in midcervical and cervicothoracic junction (some occur at thoracolumbar junction)
      • pathanatomy
        • often extension-type fracture that involved all three columns
      • prognosis
        • high mortality rate secondary to epidural hemorrhage
    • Presentation
      • symptoms
        • usually present with pain after low energy fall
      • physical exam
        • neurologic deficits often present late and therefore patients should be admitted and observed
    • Imaging
      • radiographs
        • may be occult
      • CT
        • if suspicious consider CT scan (best modality to make diagnosis)
      • MRI
        • high mortality rate secondary to epidural hemorrhage
    • Treatment
      • nonoperative
        • immobilize in existing kyphotic position, admit for observation and advanced imaging
          • indications
            • stable spine fractures with no neurologic deficits
          • technique
            • low-weight traction may facilitate reduction
      • operative
        • spinal decompression with instrumented fusion
          • indications
            • progressive neurologic deficit
            • epidural hematoma with neurologic compromise
            • unstable fracture patterns
          • technique
            • decompression
              • decision to go anterior or posterior depends on fracture level, presence and location of hematoma, and osteoporosis
            • instrumentation
              • need to obtain long fusion construct 
              • multiple points of fixation above and below the fracture are necessary because of
                • osteoporosis
                • long lever arms of the ankylosed spine
              • do not make an effort to correct deformity
          • outcomes & complications
            • high rate of complications including
              • progressive deformity
              • nonunion
              • hardware failure
              • infection
  • Spinal Deformity
    • Introduction
      • usually a kyphotic deformity of upper spine
      • be sure to eliminate hip contractures as reason for deformity
    • Treatment
      • lumbar osteotomy
        • indications
          • thoracolumbar kyphotic deformity
        • goals
          • goal is to restore sagittal balance and horizontal gaze
        • techniques
          • closing wedge (pedicle subtracting) osteotomy
            • transpedicular decancelization procedure with removal of posterior elements
            • location of osteotomy determined by type of spine flexion deformity
            • hinge located on anterior vertebral body
            • considered procedure of choice due to
              • greater deformity correction (30 t0 40 degrees per level)
              • better fusion and stability due to direct bony apposition
          • vertebral body resection
            • entire vertebral body is removed and replaced with a cage
          • single-level opening wedge osteotomy
            • hinges on posterior edge of vertebral body
            • requires rupture of ALL
          • multi-segment opening osteotomy
            • advantage of less bone loss and preservation of ALL by distributing correction over multiple levels
        • outcomes & complications
          • lumbar approach avoids complications of thoracic cage, spinal cord injury, and has potential for greater correction due to long lever arm
      • C7-T1 cervicalthoracic osteotomy
        • indications
          • cervicothoracic kyphotic (chin-on-chest) deformity
        • goals
          • slight under-correction with final brow-to-chin angle of 10 degrees
        • technique
          • osteotomy
            • advantage of C7-T1 osteotomy include
              • vertebral artery is external to transverse foremen
              • larger canal diameter
            • requires wide decompression with removal of C7 lateral mass and portions of C7-T1 pedicles to prevent iatrogenic SCI
          • instrumentation
            • usually a combination of lateral mass screws, pedicle screws, and sublaminar hooks
        • postoperative
          • postoperative halo immobilization often required in patients with poor bone quality
        • outcomes & complications
          • increased risk of venous air embolus (VAE) in the sitting operative position
  • Large-Joint Arthritis
    • Introduction
      • asymmetric involvement of large joints
      • shoulder and hip most commonly involved
    • Treatment
      • total hip replacement
        • indications
          • in patients with severe arthritis of this hips secondary to AS
        • technique
          • patients have more vertical and anteverted acetabulum (may lead to anterior dislocations after total hip arthroplasty)
      • bilateral total hip arthroplasty
        • indications
          • kyphotic deformity due to hip flexion contracture deformity
        • outcomes & complications
          • at risk for dislocation
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